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    Please note that at the Chandoo.org Forums there is Zero Tolerance to Spam

    Post Spam and you Will Be Deleted as a User


  • When starting a new post, to receive a quicker and more targeted answer, Please include a sample file in the initial post.

Hello .. Introduce yourself


The purpose of this thread is just to introduce yourself. If you have a question, you should start a new thread. To address your question, that's a very broad statement. The best method, in brief, is to design your spreadsheet nicely and just use the built in print function. There are literally thousands of dashboards and templates available on the web, so we'd need more information to determine where to guide you for what you need.
Hi All,

Michael from Chennai. Works as an accountant.

The forum is very useful for all kind of excel users.

I know little bit of excel and I want to know more in excel VBA and formulas.
Grtz mates,

I work as a project manager. Work with excel daily and a quite familiar with formula's, VBA, dashboards, ...

This site has helped me a lot with new tricks and insights, looking to pay it forward now :)
Assalam-o-alaikum this is Kamran Mumtaz from Pakistan, I want to be an expert in excel that is why I am here and I am sure that I will learn alot...

I'm Catherine from Australia. I'm an accountant and do a lot of reporting, specifically using excel. I really want to build my knowledge of VBA, dashboards and the excel formulas that I'm not quite comfortable with yet (INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET etc)

Hello all

I'm Orlando from Puerto Rico. I'm always searching for new thing to do with MS Excel and MS Access. Every day is a good day to learn something new.


I am Giri, Indian National working in Qatar. I am new to Excel , started learning recently. Though i need some basic skills for my job, but find it very interesting , hence started to learn a bit more than basic skills
Does anyone know of something that does this for word! i really love all the excel tips and tricks but i am in need of some advance advice to make my job easier with word and excel integration.


Hi, dtherrian!

Perhaps you'd want to read the green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).


PS: if only one or two questions about Word, after introducing yourself you might post them adding a new topic, maybe someone could help you. As an exception, but don't abuse.

PS2: I wouldn't dare to recommend any Word website as mostly of which I know aren't as awesome as this of Excel.
Hi all,

I'm Matt from Boulder, Colorado. Been following this site off and on for the last 6 months or so and love the content. Learning new stuff every day, fantastic community!
Hi All,

Special greetings to you Chandoo.

I'm Arindam from Bangalore, India. Have been following your site for quite a while now sometimes to gather ideas or to learn something new. Want to be a part of this awesome community and contribute as well. :)

I'm bejdln from Boston. I just came across the site today. I am in the middle of working on an Excel file, and this looked like a site that might be able to answer some of my questions. I hope that I will be able to contribute eventually as well. Thanks for everyone's assistance!
I'm Mark from Portland, OR. This site is fantastic. Sign up for the newsletter because you'll get some great tips and tricks that are useful for those who work in Excel.

I hope I can contribute something down the line because as of now, I'm just taking!

Thanks to everyone for making this a valuable stop on my daily online travels.

I'm Ivan from Montgomery Alabama. I have been following this site and the Youtube videos in the last month. I am impressed with the content and delivery of material presented. Would certainly be learning a lot and hopefully at some point contributing to this lively forum.
Hi there, this is Aaseem from Delhi. Thanks a lot for building this site Chandoo, got to learn so much here. All your articles are easy to understand and very informative. Kudos to you and your team, keep up the great work. Will be looking to your next post.
Hello All, looks like quite an intersting site, with all boffins clustered in!!. I'm an analyst with excel/access skills, and from time to time, get hammered with the almost impossible.....this place is gonna make it easy !!
Hello everyone,

I stumbled upon this site after looking for an excel solution for work. I did not find the answer I wanted after googling for over an hour. As my last move, I typed, "Ask an excel question," to find myself in this site. I thought this site would be filled with ads and popups, but this place is quite tranquil. Hopefully, I can find my solution and learn more with this site.

I know someone in the world is troubling him/herself to run this site and post things, so thank you.

I am Michael from Chennai - Mike for Short - VB are my initials - added "A" to it - to sound like I got a doctorate in VBA :)

Am a VBA enthusiast – am good at it for those who are not and am poor at it for those who are good at it – but nowhere am I the last, I can also do something.

If you feel that you know everything, you stop learning – hence, I would rather be at a point where I do not know all and continue on this wonderful journey of learning ….

In weeks to follow, am surely going to throw some challenges to you all - so be on the watch ...and enjoy ...
Hello All,

I am Alastair, also normally known as Ali and my user name is Gandalf. I am a J.R.R. Tolkien fan as you can guess from my username. Currently I manage, or more accurately help manage, the data for a secondary school in North London, UK (did I need to put that?). This site, as it says on the tin, is awesome. I would like to thank everyone that has put all the useful tips and tricks on here.

Take care everyone

Hello All,

I am a wanna be VBA Pro! I live and work in London. I will be posting my excel questions from time to time and look forward to benefit from your replies. Once I get a hang of things I definitely will contribute too.. Before I start off, thank you to yo all for your support. This is a great place to start....
Hello All,

I'm Patrick from the USA and I'm an advanced Excel User with spreadsheet skills dating back through VisiCalc, Lotus, Excel. I work with IT and the End Users and I need to keep things simple. I'm not a VBA Pro but I take extreme advantage of Excels formulas etc. I look forward to our exchages and learning even more.

Thank you,
Hello everybody,

I am Laurentiu from Romania. At first I hated excel - saw it as a torture for my eyes but in time I have discovered so much that now I can not get enough of it. Almost every day I am learning new and exciting things about this amazing program.

Also, for quite some time I am following this site that I think it is a little bit more amazing then excel - now I can not think of one without knowing about the other !

Great work !!! awsome !!!