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Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hi, I'm from Morocco, My english is poor but hope to participate succefuly in this forum

Can also write in Frensh or Russian.
Hi Mercatog,

Welcome to the forum..

1st day.. but huge contribution and sharing your knowledge..

Wish we have a long and nice journey with you..


Thank you very much Debraj Roy

I appreciate your letter and also need to learn and understand from others


From North Carolina USA. Found this site a few weeks ago and am hooked. Thanks to all for many tips I've already used. Never participated in a forum before so I will apologize up front if I screw up protocol.
Hi everyone,

The Main Inquisitor, Sir JB7, punished me, and now I have to atone for the horrible sin of not introducing myself!

O.K., I live in the beautiful city of Miami, working for a living, and I would like to learn as much as possible of Excell.

Search through various forums, and this really caught my attention, because of the high level of knowledge of its members, and the quality and diversity of their responses.

Keep up the excellent work, you guys are amazing!

I've got a few minutes to live, I'm burning with fire, can you forgive me Father JB7?

Your humble servant,

Hi! I'm Ash and I was referred to this site from a co-worker. I can't wait to learn more about how I can improve my Excel skills!
My name is Oren and I work in a financial firm in NY. Typically involved in financial modeling but finding this site very helpful for data management problems that I am tackling.
Hi everyone! I'm Jordan. I'm somewhat new to the forums, but not necessarily new to Chandoo. You may have seen my name before in a few articles dealing with "Interactive Hyperlinks."

I really enjoy learning from people about Excel and helping them with their efforts in kind. The thriving community here is great, particularly the Q&A sections. One thing you should know about me is that sometimes I post solutions w/o first checking if everything is correct. So if you see me mess up on a formula or say something you know is incorrect - feel free to call me out :p.

I hope to contribute to the community and provide more help on topics outside of rollovers. (I'm a bit too obsessed with those...) :)

I feel as a child standing in the middle of a crowd of Masters in Excel.

I am sure that I can learn something from you all.
Hi, there. I am an engineer in Colombia, and I hope to get "awesome in Excel", as your slogan purports.

I have been working with Excel for decades, and consider myself quite proficient, but there is always room for improvement, and the things and tips I have seen here make want to stay and look for more. I'll be asking (and eventually answering) in the forums.
Hello. I am an independent contractor in Texas and consider myself to have above average proficiency in Excel. I can usually figure most things out on my own, but that takes time. I have found solutions to my problems on this site multiple times. And I posted my first question 2 days ago and got the exact answer I needed. You'll be hearing from me again!
Hi there everyone.

My name is Charl and I am from Cape Town in South Africa.

I am hoping to expand my knowledge of Excel and share what I can with the community.
Hi, I'm Matthew from Perth, Australia. Chandoo.org is a great resource that I recommend to friends looking for solutions to their Excel challenges.

I'm Geoff, and am now retired from my engineering job. I now putter away in a small orchard enjoying my days, and at nights I like to do my accounts, which I keep in Excel, and am always looking for ways to improve the way I can report and display the information. I am also treasurer of an organisation and keep the books on Excel.

I have used information from Chandoo many times, and most recently used the post on linked pictures to update a monthly report with minimum repeat effort from myself.

I like array formula and have been using them for over 5 years. I am always looking for new ways to use them and report.
Hello I'm Mi.Ke

I always thought I could find my way around excel, untill I stumbled upon chandoo.org. Great stuff. I now consider myself a newbe. I work with cliënts and I'm always looking for ways to make things easier to understand and better looking. Hope you can help me learn.
Hello all,

I've been working with Excel for one year to provide data analysis and dashboards to my Company's Management. I find the Chandoo web site and tutorials amazing. They've helped me so much and they are a great source for ideas and solutions. Thanks to you all!

I hope to learn more and to be able to help someone!


New here. Found your timestamp of a cell technique! Every elegant solution. Your tips and courses are well done and useful. I Look forward to devling into them.

Hey, I am Rob Walters and I am a noob, but hopefully not for long. I have only recently started using Excel and I am just fascinated at the program. I am a question asker for now and hopefully I will be a question answerer at a point. I live in the mid west. Peace

I am Farrukh Alyana from Jhang, Pakistan.

New here and new to excel aswell. Got hit hard by chandoo.org once and stuck to its amazing solutions.

Hats off to chandoo.org team. God bless you.

My name is Ryan and I live in Nebraska. I always felt excel was such a great tool, and after seeing this website, I have yet to see the full potential!
Hi, my name is Dan - Logistics analyst for a fortune 50 company. Been scouring this blog for the last two days and have exponentially increased my excel awesome sauce arsenal. Keep up the great work PHD and forum Excel Ninjas.