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Hello .. Introduce yourself


I am working in a company in visakhapatnam. I enjoy creating excel reports. I learned may tips and tricks ,formulas. I have a problem in excel. I feel it can be solved here.

I want the sum in column C if the sum of column B and C is less than or equal to column A. I used the formula as =SUM(IF((C7:C9+D7:D9)<=A7:A9,D7:D9,0)). But i have to check this for the next also. Every time i need to add those columns separately to check them(=SUM(IF((C7:C9+D7:D9+E7:E9)<=A7:A9,E7:E9,0))). Can any one help me on this?
Hello to all; greeting for SC, I have been using Excel since Mid 90's, used VB6 and VBA a lot during this period, I have not taken any classes. Mostly self-taught, so not an expert by any means. I'm a previous drag racer that now enjoys my farm with horses.
Hi everyone,

Was searching for a way to improve my excel skills and make my analysis life easier. So far, only achieved mixed successes.

But i do dream about the day when my excel sheets will link seamlessly and an action in one will automatically be updated on a dashboard. Or have my dashboard linking to a sage database and automatically update my files :). I can then sit back and have a beer on a beach in Spain :).

Maybe I will learn how to achieve this here :).
Hi everyone,
This is Jubaer Ahmed Raji from Bangladesh. I am very much interested in Data Analytics. Learning Excel, Power BI & other stuffs to achieve my goal.


This Forum is for Hello - Introduce Yourself.
You should open a new thread to correct Forum for Your Question.
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This is Czarina. Ive been following Chandoo ever since but got busy! Im a fan of excel and now i wanted to see whats the latest. :)
I am Dr S K Bansal
Had been using lotus 123 in Nineties. Shifted to Excel in 2008 and using it since then, now in office 365. Love to learn vba for excel further. Have few queries on advance filter where one field of criteria is searching on a blank. Will post my sheet and my code soon...
Hello! My name is Shelby. I am a freelance Excel developer and virtual assistant on Fiverr. Looking to help each other brain storm ideas for tough problems!