Hi Kim,
See if these two posts help:
Plz try this:
=SUMPRODUCT(($C$7=ds!$F$8:$F$15)*('Output per Function'!$A12=ds!$A$8:$A$15)*('Output per Function'!$B12=ds!$B$8:$B$15)*('Output per Function'!C$20=ds!$G$7:$R$7)*(ds!$G$8:$R$15))
drag down and left
[Edit: same as Narayan's solution :)]
Most of the time as i present report to boss he is more interested in black and white lines and his required layout printed on a paper rather then SUMPRODUCT or INDEX MATCH or PIVOT TABLES behind them.
If i try to explain him the difference in between them, he will ask me to keep...
Hi Sleepingboy
....drag down
or for Index Match Case you should use this with CSE
...drag down.
Please see this post. Consider adding a column with True in it, the code should work.
Hi Suzanne,
Besides above suggestions you can try this but first consider backing up your data.
If you think that your file size should have been smaller, then try this:
1. Open the sheet and press F5, on GO TO Menu, select last cell. this will select the last cell on the sheet.
2. from that...