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Search results

  1. Faseeh


    Would you like to use SUMIF instead. =SUMIF(E5:E70,"*"&"Room"&"*",F5:F70)
  2. Faseeh

    Link exchange rate from website to excel

    Hi Ramesh, Please see attachment, the code has been adopted from this link: http://investexcel.net/foreign-exchange-rate-function-in-excel/
  3. Faseeh

    Link exchange rate from website to excel

    Hi Kim, See if these two posts help: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-new-users-basics/737065-insert-live-exchange-rate.html http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Currency-Converter-With-Microsoft-Excel
  4. Faseeh

    12,000 ! Narayan Sir

    Congratulations Sir! Keep going.. :)
  5. Faseeh

    IF blank do not apply roundup

    Simply put your entire formula in another IF() like this: =IF(C5="",D15,YourFormula)
  6. Faseeh

    Profit & Loss by function

    Hi Plz try this: =SUMPRODUCT(($C$7=ds!$F$8:$F$15)*('Output per Function'!$A12=ds!$A$8:$A$15)*('Output per Function'!$B12=ds!$B$8:$B$15)*('Output per Function'!C$20=ds!$G$7:$R$7)*(ds!$G$8:$R$15)) drag down and left [Edit: same as Narayan's solution :)]
  7. Faseeh

    question between sumifs and index with match

    @jeffreyweir, Most of the time as i present report to boss he is more interested in black and white lines and his required layout printed on a paper rather then SUMPRODUCT or INDEX MATCH or PIVOT TABLES behind them. If i try to explain him the difference in between them, he will ask me to keep...
  8. Faseeh

    Forgot Password need to unlock

    Hi Nipendra.dhiman, You need to open the file with Open Office, most probably the password can be removed there.
  9. Faseeh

    Unable to Count the Data with formula putting some conditions

    Hi @rush2rajen Please see attached sheet.
  10. Faseeh

    question between sumifs and index with match

    I just edited post Index Match will also work.
  11. Faseeh

    question between sumifs and index with match

    Hi Sleepingboy Try: =SUMPRODUCT(($A$3:$A$4=P3)*($B$1:$N$1&$B$2:$N$2=$Q$1&$Q$2)*($B$3:$N$4)) ....drag down or for Index Match Case you should use this with CSE =INDEX($B$3:$N$4,MATCH(P3,$A$3:$A$4,0),MATCH($Q$1&$Q$2,$B$1:$N$1&$B$2:$N$2,0)) ...drag down.
  12. Faseeh

    Happy birthday Deepak !

    Hi Deepak, HBD! Janam din ki shubh kamnain! :D
  13. Faseeh

    Allocating spending over periods automatically in budget

    You need to do somewhat like this. Plz see attachment.
  14. Faseeh

    How to cut-paste a row to another workbook if changing color of background of it

    Hi, Please see this post. Consider adding a column with True in it, the code should work. http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58648&p=302918#post302918
  15. Faseeh

    Sumif or sumifs using column and rows

    @Khalid NGO, You missed the Week 1 Criteria! :D =SUMIFS(Data!$E$2:$E$4,Data!$C$2:$C$4,Sheet1!B5,Data!$D$2:$D$4,Sheet1!A$1) @Nunes :p
  16. Faseeh

    Excel formula help needed

    You are always welcome. Please see attachment for 15 added rows.
  17. Faseeh

    Round up a number to nearest 50

    Please try ROUNDUP(E15/50,0)*50 where E15 contains a number.
  18. Faseeh

    Round up a number to nearest 50

    Do you want round up only round up/round down to nearest 50?
  19. Faseeh

    Identifying Duplicate Values in a Dynamic Range

    HI Mike, Simply join (concatenate) first and third column of your data using ampersand "&" and use conditional formatting to highlight duplicates.
  20. Faseeh

    Excel formula help needed

    Hi Brain, Plz see attachment, merged cells in your sample are problematic that led me to make a new file.
  21. Faseeh

    Spreadsheet taking over 30 mins to recalculate.....

    Hi Suzanne, Besides above suggestions you can try this but first consider backing up your data. If you think that your file size should have been smaller, then try this: 1. Open the sheet and press F5, on GO TO Menu, select last cell. this will select the last cell on the sheet. 2. from that...
  22. Faseeh

    How to calculate dates between two dates

    Hi Molson, Please post a sample file. It will be helpful for others.
  23. Faseeh

    How to jump on to a specific column directly ?

    Hi Narayan, Oops, you are right! :P
  24. Faseeh

    How to jump on to a specific column directly ?

    Here is another workaround, if you are comfortable with R1C1 Style referencing. Enter 95 after C will take you to column # 95.
  25. Faseeh

    Copy Past problem in filter mode.

    Hi Sarfarz, This link suggests a solution: http://blog.contextures.com/archives/2014/04/24/problems-pasting-in-an-excel-filtered-list/