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Link exchange rate from website to excel

Dear sir or Madam,

Do you have any solution if I want to link exchange rate from other website to excel?
Please view attachment for detail.

Thank for help,


  • Link exchange rate from web.xlsx
    8.1 KB · Views: 30
Hi Chanthan,

You can use the feature Import from Web under Data Tab to import the current conversion rates from Yahoo Finance portal URL mentioned below :


Please follow the steps given below to import the data from Web:
  1. Navigate to Data tab and click on From Web
  2. In the screen that is popped up enter the following URL
  3. Once the page is loaded, click on the Yellow arrow beside the exchange rate table
  4. Once clicked, the arrow will turn into Green check mark and then click on Import to import this information into Excel
  5. You can use the short cut key Ctrl + Alt + F5 to refresh the data

Once the information is imported, you can refer to this information in your tables for calculation.

Hope that helps!!

Ramesh Kumar.P
Hi Chanthan,

You can use the feature Import from Web under Data Tab to import the current conversion rates from Yahoo Finance portal URL mentioned below :


Please follow the steps given below to import the data from Web:
  1. Navigate to Data tab and click on From Web
  2. In the screen that is popped up enter the following URL
  3. Once the page is loaded, click on the Yellow arrow beside the exchange rate table
  4. Once clicked, the arrow will turn into Green check mark and then click on Import to import this information into Excel
  5. You can use the short cut key Ctrl + Alt + F5 to refresh the data

Once the information is imported, you can refer to this information in your tables for calculation.

Hope that helps!!

Ramesh Kumar.P
Thank you very much for such useful information, but will it automatically change following the web if I press Ctrl+Alt+F5?
This short cut was used for Refreshing the data after the data is imported into Excel from a Web application.. this short cut is no longer active on the current versions of Excel