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How to calculate dates between two dates


New Member
I have a spreadsheet with a series of tasks that have a start date and and end date. Task number 1 has a start date of 06/01/15 and an end date of 05/25/16. I have been able to calculate the number of months between each date using =DATEDIF(startdate,enddate,"m"). The result of this = 11 months. I would like to calculate a date (end of month) for each of the 11 months.

Any help with this would be very appreciated

Thank you
Hi Molson,

I have made a sheet for you as per my understanding.

I am not much familiar with DATEDIF, but see if this is okay.



  • Calculate Dates Datedif - Molson.xlsx
    10.4 KB · Views: 3
Hi Molson,

I have made a sheet for you as per my understanding.

I am not much familiar with DATEDIF, but see if this is okay.


Hi Khalid,

This is very helpful. One small request. Would you be able to reference the formula in columns instead of rows in a single column. I tried to change your formula to use =COLUMN() but I got lost in the cell references. I have uploaded your sheet with the change request. I very much appreciate the help



  • Calculate Dates Datedif - Molson.xlsx
    11.4 KB · Views: 2
Hi Khalid,

This is very helpful. One small request. Would you be able to reference the formula in columns instead of rows in a single column. I tried to change your formula to use =COLUMN() but I got lost in the cell references. I have uploaded your sheet with the change request. I very much appreciate the help


Here it is....

But I have just noticed a problem, 31-July-15 is missing in both version :mad:
Don't know why.


  • Calculate Dates Datedif - Columns.xlsx
    10.5 KB · Views: 5
Thank you. I will take a look at the 31 Jul issue.

Best regards

Hi Khalid

The formula will always skip the second month. Perhaps it is related to the column reference due to column "C"

I will continue to troubleshoot. If you find the issue please let me know
Hi Khalid

The formula will always skip the second month. Perhaps it is related to the column reference due to column "C"

I will continue to troubleshoot. If you find the issue please let me know

Hi Molson,

I tried this for column version, and its working, please check:

