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Profit & Loss by function


New Member

In the attached file you will find 2 sheets;

1. data sheet tab : this contains all the data which is derived from various sheets

2. Output per function : This is the output tab where I require help. There are different functions and the Profit and loss statement has to be produced separately for each function in different sheets . I have included a sample output result for the selected function "Aviation". There will be around 15 functions.

I would appreciate your help.

Thank you


  • Book2.xlsx
    15.8 KB · Views: 3

Plz try this:

=SUMPRODUCT(($C$7=ds!$F$8:$F$15)*('Output per Function'!$A12=ds!$A$8:$A$15)*('Output per Function'!$B12=ds!$B$8:$B$15)*('Output per Function'!C$20=ds!$G$7:$R$7)*(ds!$G$8:$R$15))

drag down and left

[Edit: same as Narayan's solution :)]
Dear Faseeh & Narayan

Thank you very much. It looks good . I will now use the formula and will revert back if I need any issues.

One more request : The default currency is QAR . If any other currency is selected it has to convert the figures in the output sheet. Is this possible ? For Eg : If EUR is selected it should divide the figures by the conversion rate which is 4.97

Thanks again