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IF blank do not apply roundup


Dear Sir,


This Formula I write in D15, based on C5 I want to add one more thing that is IF C5 is blank then in D15 the rounding formula should not apply and the exact value from C15 Should pickup in D15. Else if there is a value in C5 then the in D15 the roundup formula should apply. Please help


  • Book1.xlsx
    12.6 KB · Views: 2

Not very clear as to what you are looking for..however, this is my wild guess...

Wrap the above formula in one more if condition...


If this doesnt help, can you share an example with the expected result...
I have provided an example for you in attached please let me know if any questions.


  • Book1.xlsx
    11.1 KB · Views: 5
Perfect, Thank you Asheesh and all Chandoo team. it feels so good to be a member on this forum where we always have good people to help in sharing knowledge.:):)