Can you please upload same data set.
You can also refer below urls
Right click on the Pivot Table - "Pivot Table Options" - Select the "Display" tab - The bottom section controls the "Field List" -Sort A to Z / Sort in data source order...
Hey Ikhan,
Use below array formula with crt+shft+enter
cell p15 =
Please share few info.
What is excel version
What is save file extn.
Any error?
In this on pivot table?
are you using name range?
share your excel setting like External content, protected view and advanced setting
try with stop auto update
As I understand with sample data set
You are using sum function in "Month D2" and by nature sum returns 0 if no value to sum hence average would consider this as value.
I suggest you to please change your sum formula like
instant of SUM(F2:AJ2) use if(SUM(F2:AJ2)=0,"",SUM(F2:AJ2))
this is very normal requirement and we discussed this many times on this group.[node]=4
Have used running count in your dump data to calculation number of occurrence then converted into 0-1 value and call in pivot table
for xlsb extn.
I have save in .xlsb to reduce file size ,you can save this with .xlsx also.