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collection report


New Member

I have attached an excel file which has 2 sheets ;Overview and data. Data has details of collections received at different collection centers. Collection mode is either cash or cheque. Overview sheet shows the desired expected output. User should be able to select all the 3 options i.e date, payment method and cashier as a drop down in the report. Other details in the body of the report should be automatically displayed. I kindly request for help



  • Daily collections report.xlsx
    34 KB · Views: 5
Please see the temp solution :)


I have attached an excel file which has 2 sheets ;Overview and data. Data has details of collections received at different collection centers. Collection mode is either cash or cheque. Overview sheet shows the desired expected output. User should be able to select all the 3 options i.e date, payment method and cashier as a drop down in the report. Other details in the body of the report should be automatically displayed. I kindly request for help



  • Copy of Daily collections report.xlsx
    37.9 KB · Views: 7