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File formatting get changed even after reformatting and saving

I am having an excel file which I am unable to share. If I reuse that file next time(i.e with updated figures) my formatting gets totally changed(colors get off, numerical digit is shown with decimal which is more than 4 digits after decimal.

Even after reformatting, saving and closing the file if the same file is opened again the same problem pop up again.
Request your support into this matter
Neeraj Kumar Agarwal
Please share few info.

What is excel version
What is save file extn.
Any error?
In this on pivot table?
are you using name range?
share your excel setting like External content, protected view and advanced setting
try with stop auto update

I am having an excel file which I am unable to share. If I reuse that file next time(i.e with updated figures) my formatting gets totally changed(colors get off, numerical digit is shown with decimal which is more than 4 digits after decimal.

Even after reformatting, saving and closing the file if the same file is opened again the same problem pop up again.
Request your support into this matter
Neeraj Kumar Agarwal
Is anybody else using it in between your uses?
Do they have a different version of Excel?

Are thereConditional Formats in the file?
I amonly using that file.
Compatibility mode is shown. But if I save it in different version, it repairs the file and shows (Repaired)
Yes Conditional formatting is used.
The newer versions of Excel supports colors and formats that are not backward compatible with *.xls file formats
This would explain the behaviour you mentioned

So save the file in a new format *.xlsm or *.xlsb
then re-open
Not working. Actually into file on pressing Alt+F8 macro tab pops up and it contains some macro. But while selecting the Edit/Step into mode it says Reference is not valid