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Print data column wise

I have data into single column(A1 TO A100). It will be difficult to get the readable entire data into single page(A4 size).
Is it possible if excel, say after 20 lines automatically it gets the data to print into second column and so on(but entire data into single page)
Neeraj Kumar Agarwal

I would setup a report area where you can use formulas to reformat the data using some offsets

see attached file:


  • Rearrange data.xlsx
    12.1 KB · Views: 5
There is two ways to do this -

1) make another sheet with formula (attached)
2) thru VBA (macro)

I have data into single column(A1 TO A100). It will be difficult to get the readable entire data into single page(A4 size).
Is it possible if excel, say after 20 lines automatically it gets the data to print into second column and so on(but entire data into single page)
Neeraj Kumar Agarwal


  • Book27.xlsx
    64.7 KB · Views: 8
Dear XLStime,

Actually my data is 50000 in counting and I want to get it to next next column at the interval of 50.

Request you to update your file accordingly as I have tried but not getting me the exact requirement and apart from that also getting hte duplicate data

Neeraj Kumar Agarwal
Change A1 value to 50 (current is 20)
ctrl+h to replace
find what Sheet1!$A$2:$A$1002
replace with Sheet1!$B$2:$B$50000

Dear XLStime,

Actually my data is 50000 in counting and I want to get it to next next column at the interval of 50.

Request you to update your file accordingly as I have tried but not getting me the exact requirement and apart from that also getting hte duplicate data

Neeraj Kumar Agarwal
You will learn more by looking at the formula yourself and seeing what they do as opposed to being spoon-fed an answer

But here goes


  • Rearrange data.xlsx
    18.9 KB · Views: 7