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Count number of occurrences in excel pivot

Dear All,

I have an excel pivot report where data is in the following format..

A 23 12
B 34 3000
C 100
D 11

I just want the pivot to display the number of non blank cells with 1 and its summation below.

A 1 1
B 1 1
C 1
D 1

Total 3 3

May be , I am not able to describe my requirement in better way ,if you see the attachment , then only you will understand.




  • C_Form.xlsx
    144.9 KB · Views: 7
Hey Akash,

Sorry but little confused, could you please share the sample output.

Dear All,

I have an excel pivot report where data is in the following format..

A 23 12
B 34 3000
C 100
D 11

I just want the pivot to display the number of non blank cells with 1 and its summation below.

A 1 1
B 1 1
C 1
D 1

Total 3 3

May be , I am not able to describe my requirement in better way ,if you see the attachment , then only you will understand.



Pls find a sample output of a portion of the data. Only thing, i just want it to be done in the pivot itself.

Your help is very much appreciated.




  • sample_output.xlsx
    9.7 KB · Views: 7
You can achieve this by using helper column in your raw data

paste below formula and drag till end and use this in your pivot table as sum.



Pls find a sample output of a portion of the data. Only thing, i just want it to be done in the pivot itself.

Your help is very much appreciated.



Can you pls revert me the same with the excel sheet i shared in my first post so that I can understand it easily. How to add helper column , i am bit confused.

A lot of Thanks in advance...



Is this what you are looking for?


I have not checked the results, please check and confirm.



  • C_Form.xlsx
    145.7 KB · Views: 4
Awesome ! How did you do this can you pls guide a little.. and also pls tell me why have you saved the file with *.xlsb extension?
Last edited:
Have used running count in your dump data to calculation number of occurrence then converted into 0-1 value and call in pivot table

for xlsb extn.

I have save in .xlsb to reduce file size ,you can save this with .xlsx also.

Awesome ! How did you do this can you pls guide a little.. and also pls tell me why have you saved the file with *.xlsb extension?