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Default Dynamic picture lookup where some of the rows might not have an associated image?


New Member
Hi, here's some background on what I'm trying to do:
I have a dashboard sheet and a picture sheet (table) from which I want to pull the top 6 social media posts for a particular month (screenshot pasted into sheet)
Using index/match + named range and then linking an image to a cell, I'm able to pull the first such post for each post.
In theory, I should be able to duplicate the same picture and then link these images to named ranges, say, pic2 , pic3 and so on.

The problem here is that in the picture sheet, there are some months where there is no data...or other months where there's only 1 post ...in such a case, there wouldn't be images when I try to do index/match for 2-6th ranked posts. I then get a #NA error in Excel.

I also don't want to further inflate my file size by pasting a default "no content" image in all cells where no data exists. We're talking about 6 posts for each month x 12 months x 3 channels = 216 images in the file.

What are my options at this point? Would VBA be more efficient way of tackling this? I have no experience with VBA so I'm hoping that someone's tried something similar before and can help with the code.

If not VBA, what else can I do?

Can you please upload sample data set with your required output

Hi, here's some background on what I'm trying to do:
I have a dashboard sheet and a picture sheet (table) from which I want to pull the top 6 social media posts for a particular month (screenshot pasted into sheet)
Using index/match + named range and then linking an image to a cell, I'm able to pull the first such post for each post.
In theory, I should be able to duplicate the same picture and then link these images to named ranges, say, pic2 , pic3 and so on.

The problem here is that in the picture sheet, there are some months where there is no data...or other months where there's only 1 post ...in such a case, there wouldn't be images when I try to do index/match for 2-6th ranked posts. I then get a #NA error in Excel.

I also don't want to further inflate my file size by pasting a default "no content" image in all cells where no data exists. We're talking about 6 posts for each month x 12 months x 3 channels = 216 images in the file.

What are my options at this point? Would VBA be more efficient way of tackling this? I have no experience with VBA so I'm hoping that someone's tried something similar before and can help with the code.

If not VBA, what else can I do?
