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Search results

  1. J

    Turn 5,222 into 5,222,000...

    ..............o_O.......... ill see myself out. hahaha (thank you)
  2. J

    Turn 5,222 into 5,222,000...

    WHOA, its been LOOOOONG time... So I'm working with several numbers that are stored as 5,222 in the cell, but the number represents an assume 'millions'. meaning that if the cell shows 5,550 it represents 5,550,000. I'm trying to create a chart based on this but the chart will obviously plot at...
  3. J

    What's open today?

    i understand the request, just wanted to make sure i'm understanding the data... the format, as Narayank said, will not work in the current format...the main issue that i see right now is that all cells are 'text' values... i believe we'd need them to be numerical values inorder to preform...
  4. J

    What's open today?

    Does the "Opening Dates" column when that particular store will be 'open', then the Days and Hours? if so, thats going to be a killer
  5. J

    Call Inquiry Tracker

    if you turn on the Filter after selecting the Field Names, you should get a drop-down arrow for each field, then under Inquiry, select/check the box next to one of them and that will only show the records/rows with that particular "inquiry"....
  6. J

    Excel KPI help needed

    well theres a ton of data to go through and i cant download it into excel (work restrictions) but i did see that (i think) 2 charts showed a Value Error. are you sure all numbers are actually numbers/values and not just look like numbers/values? same with dates?
  7. J

    Identifying Activities Due this Week from a Project Schedule

    that should be do-able.... i'll see what i can work up. hmmm..... may have spoke too soon. my first idea isnt working and i cant focus on this right now with work. hopefully, someone will get a much easier answer than what i would/could. i'll check back when my work load lessens.
  8. J

    Charts in excel 2013

    awesome!! glad it worked!
  9. J

    Highest Productive Employee

    correct... how would you like for multiples to be reported? this wil be a biy harder
  10. J

    Charts in excel 2013

    WELCOME TO CHANDOO.ORG!! what version of excel do you have? how would you rate your experience/knowledge in Excel? do you already have the data in an Excel Spreadsheet? My first suggestion, without seeing how you have the data if it is already entered into a spreadsheet or knowing what youre...
  11. J

    selected cell records [SOLVED]

    Im not 100% I understand your request... right now, your current method is arranging the data in the same column (like your example)...but you instead want them to be in the same row, going across different columns?! if so, try copying the data as shown in your example, go to A2, Paste...
  12. J

    Highest Productive Employee

    Try this: this is assuming your data is located in A1:e14 =INDEX(A1:E14,MATCH(MAX(E2:E14),E1:E14,0),2)
  13. J

    Conditional Formatting or Expiration Dates [SOLVED]

    create 2 conditional formats using a formula. basically the formula will take todays date and subtract the date given (the exp. date). one rule will see if it is less than 90 days (3months) and format the cell with yellow fill. the second one will see if the date is less that or equal to 0 and...
  14. J

    IF nested formula

    I dont know where it is now, but Chandoo (or someone) posted a to-do list that had a nice visual indicating % complete based on the number of items checked... FOUND IT!: http://chandoo.org/wp/2013/01/07/todo-list-with-priorities/ this is just the first thing that came to mind... it may not...
  15. J

    Custom PivotTable Filter

    ...yep, no idea what cube data filters are can the values that you'd be looking to filter for currently be found in the PivotTable? PivotTable Functions would be the first place i'd start looking...???
  16. J

    Custom PivotTable Filter

    i would think you'd need to create a helper column (or maybe mulitple) then add that new field to your Pivot....but to be honest, i dont understand your example at all
  17. J

    Formula to mark if multiple conditions are met

    not sure I'm following youre formula properly... can you explain what you want it to do? first attempt: IF(AND(a2=a3,d2=d3),IF(c2=c3,"","X"),"")
  18. J

    Moving a sheet from one workbook to another

    i want to get my "daily dumb question" out of the way.... this file is saved in the Excel file format and is being opend directly from the Excel App? now that thats overwith.... is the sheet protected?
  19. J

    Slicer In Excel 2010

    you should be able to select the slicer and just hit the Delete key on your keyboard....has worked for me
  20. J

    Open an excel from word and filter a particular column automatically [SOLVED]

    couldn't you just insert the Spreadsheet as a Embeded or Linked Object?
  21. J

    Vlookup Help - Need 2 Criteria [SOLVED]

    it may be helpful if you could upload a sample file? I think it has something to do with your lookup value and table array... does Col.A contain the the ".25" that youre looking for? does 'By Pump Size!O2 contain a valid column number value? i'm not sure if you're dragging this formula to...
  22. J

    Another VLookup Question [SOLVED]

    Yay, well done!!
  23. J

    VLookup Question

    It may be the lookup value... i havent tried that before.... or it could be due to it being a pivottable... i'll keep playing question: so lets say in your data, you have 4 lines that apply to Odessa... the vlookup is meant to find 1 record of data and return a specified value. can you...
  24. J

    =IF() with =Len() strange result

    Debraj scores!!! Robert: in regards to your formula and why its returning the "B" as you know, it will look at the length of A1 (which equals 6 characters) and test to see if it is greater than 6 (which its not)... since the test would result in a Fales, it will go to the ValIfFalse argument...