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Moving a sheet from one workbook to another


New Member
hello fellow chandooians.

my problem may seem to be coming from a bird brain for all of you, but still here it is.

I dump excel files from my software and then i usually move it into an existing excel file.alternatively i first link the existing excel file with cell references from the new sheet and then i move it. either way this has worked in the past.

but since y'day i've not been able to do the same. i've refreshed, closed & opened both the excel files/ saved both of them as xls/ saved both of them as xlsx and tried but i'm neither able to move the sheet nor to provide a link/reference. this question is really bugging me because after i laboriously provide all the links to the new sheet,(i cannot use update data links since i'm giving links for the first time) then only i can start my real work which takes up a lot of time.

so my dear eagles, spare some time and help the tweety bird
Good day ca.nkv

Welcome to the forum

Have you right clicked on the tab and chosen "move/copy" and from there make your choice to move the sheet to your new workbook, which is open, this will take all links and formulas.
hello bobhc,

earlier i used to do the same. now when i right click the sheet and select move/copy i see only the current workbook or new book. i donot see my intended excel file that i have kept open for this purpose.
i want to get my "daily dumb question" out of the way.... this file is saved in the Excel file format and is being opend directly from the Excel App?

now that thats overwith....

is the sheet protected?
hi jason,

yes the file is saved in excel file format(.xlsx) and i'm opening it directly from the folder (i'm not opening excel and then clicking open and then selecting the file).the sheet is not protected.

here's the weird part: i can move the sheets and do everything else on my office laptop and not on my personal laptop !!!???
Hi, ca.nkv!

I was about to ask you if that was the only worksheet in the workbook, if so you couldn't move it since a workbook must have at least one worksheet, but you wrote that you can do it on your personal laptop. BTW, which Excel versions are you running on those machines?
