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Custom PivotTable Filter


New Member
Is it possible to create a Custom PivotTable filter list derived from values from a cube that it's hitting? I'm using Excel 2013.

Like to create Field Name (Filter) 'View_Type' with selections:

Quarter To Date

Previous Week

Filter values are:

Quarter To Date --> [DIM_WEEKLY_CALENDAR].[Fisc Week Value].[All]

Previous Week --> EXTRACT({[DIM_WEEKLY_CALENDAR].[Week Aging].&[0],[DIM_WEEKLY_CALENDAR].[Week Aging].&[1],[DIM_WEEKLY_CALENDAR].[Week Aging].&[14],[DIM_WEEKLY_CALENDAR].[Week Aging].&[53]}*[DIM_WEEKLY_CALENDAR].[Fisc Week Value].Children,[DIM_WEEKLY_CALENDAR].[Fisc Week Value])

Can this even be done and if so how?

This is from a SSRS report that users want exact same filtering etc in excel and I can't figure this out.. as some of my custom metrics are based on this custom 'View_Type'.

i would think you'd need to create a helper column (or maybe mulitple) then add that new field to your Pivot....but to be honest, i dont understand your example at all
Cube data filters do not matter I need to create a filter label 'View Type' listing two values in it that filter the PivotTable per required. I can't work with anything but the pivot table alone so I have to be able to code it inside the PivotTable.

Cube-ish talk I need a new Dimensional with two values in it (not able to change the cube itself). Not sure if helps. I'm still hopping some one has an idea as not having much luck with Google.
...yep, no idea what cube data filters are

can the values that you'd be looking to filter for currently be found in the PivotTable?

PivotTable Functions would be the first place i'd start looking...???