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Slicer In Excel 2010

Good day Mukund

Try the following

1.Click on your pivot table.

2.Go to the Options tab on the ribbon.

3.Click the Options button on the left side of the ribbon.

4.Click on the Data tab of the Pivot Table Options window.

5.In the Retain items deleted from the data source section, click the drop down arrow and select None.

6.Click OK.
you should be able to select the slicer and just hit the Delete key on your keyboard....has worked for me
Good day jason

I think the OP just wants to remove items listed in the slicer, not the whole slicer.
Hi, mukundk.70@gmail.com!

May I suggest you to change your nick name? It's too long and it overlaps the comment area making it unreadable (Click on your name, Edit). Thank you.

If you want to keep your email address you can put it in the website field of your profile, then when clicking on you nick on any comment the user will be led to your email.
