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Call Inquiry Tracker


New Member

I am using spreadsheet to track call inquiries that come on the phone in order to track new and existing(already mentioned in the Q&A company intranet) inquiries. My issue is I can give data validation for existing inquiries (helps me reduce typo error) but when a new inquiry comes I use another column to enter the data and so it's difficult to analyse the data as lots of data are there. Is there anyway to combine these two columns without eliminating data validation since typing error is a big issue. Any help is appreciated. Given below is a sample of my sheet.

Date	         Inquiry  Other Inquiry	  Assigned to 	 Caller Name
02/05/2013	Vacation			Tony       Ted
02/06/2013		    Terminate		Ron        Ravi

Could just have another column with formula:


You can then use that column for data analysis.
Thanks a lot for your help. Can I please ask another question?

For the same spreadsheet above, I have my inquiries grouped under functions that is, Leave of absence will have 5 existing inquiries, Recruitment will have 4 existing inquiries. What I want is if i select Recruitment then I want only those 4 inquiries to come in the data validation not the entire inquiries list. Is there a way to do it?

Thanks a lot

if you turn on the Filter after selecting the Field Names, you should get a drop-down arrow for each field, then under Inquiry, select/check the box next to one of them and that will only show the records/rows with that particular "inquiry"....
Thanks for your reply, I have given below a sample. Here when I enter Recruitment under Function then under inquiry column only the 4 inquiries related to recruitment should come for selection. I think filters only will help after the data is entered.

Date	    Function             Inquiry  Other Inquiry	  Assigned to 	 Caller Name
02/05/2013  Leave of Absence     Vacation		      Tony          Ted
02/06/2013  Recruitment		 Late Application	       Ron          Ravi
Thanks a lot


Edited with back ticks