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Excel KPI help needed


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am trainer that has recently moved into analytics and I am trying to create KPI report. I have been reading through the http://chandoo.org/wp/2008/08/20/create-kpi-dashboards-excel-1/ series and found it quite helpful.

However, I did stuck and I could please use a few pointers and help where I broke my sheet. Here is a link to the spreadsheet:


The conversion micro chart is not displaying and the scatter chart is displaying the data properly. I know there are some blank values here and there, but the conversion and scatter chart for the values that are there shouldn't be affected I wouldn't think.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.


well theres a ton of data to go through and i cant download it into excel (work restrictions) but i did see that (i think) 2 charts showed a Value Error. are you sure all numbers are actually numbers/values and not just look like numbers/values? same with dates?
I got the conversion micro chart working, and I narrowed down the issue with scatter chart. The x axis isn't updating when I use the drop downs. So back to trying to figure it out