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Hello .. Introduce yourself



Would you please start a new topic instead of writing in this one, which is exclusively dedicated to new users introduction as stated clearly in the title?

Please don't answer here, do as suggested but first perhaps you'd want to read the green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

Hi. My name is Erin. I just joined Chandoo today but have been lurking around for a while. Thanks for having a very informative site. I work with a civil engineering company in California and use Excel a lot. My clients are comfortable with it and I think it holds a ton of capabilities. I look forward to learning more.
Hi- I am Dibyendu, have joined this forum to discuss problem related to excel/vba & now Powerpivot. A student of Chandoo's learning university. As a profession I working with Operations, Aanlysis & strategy. Have been a fan of excel since my first job but still today seems lot to learn. Here to learn and share my knowledge wherever possible

Hi Everyone , VBA newbie in town

I regular visit chandoo website to improve excel skills (mainly charting)

Now starting VBA ( as my boss has asked me to make dynamic to do file after first sucessfull project) hope I can get some support from Chandoo & Co grtz
Hello all - I'm not a newbie to Excel, but I am a newbie to using VBA, so when I found this site forum, I was incredibly relieved and happy. I'm usually pretty good at finding a solution when it comes to my usual needs in Excel, but I came across a problem recently, that had me stumped. Decided to post it here (after a few other sites), and what do you know...a few hours later, my problem was solved (hooray to @SirJB7)!!!

I've already gotten this place 'EverNoted' (is that a word?). Maybe I can even lend my knowledge to come to the rescue of someone else who's stuck (like I was).

Hello, I am new to Chandoo but am already a fan! @SirJB7 was great at helping me with my first question. I am going to spend some time trying to solve the next one, but may be back tomorrow. I love Excel, and just recently started a new job where I am finding out all the wonderful things about Excel that I did not know. :) . Well, off I go... Happy Syntaxing.
Hello, I am Albert and I've been visiting the site for a while, but registered only recently. This is a great site, both for those new to Excel (or some of its features), and those experienced users who are looking for that extra bit of help with a particular issue. Great job!
Hi All,

I know some excel stuff, but started practicing VB recently to write some macros. I'm here to share my knowledge and learn from others.
Hello everyone, I am Bikram from India. I am a newbie and recently started learning macros. I am looking forward to learn and contribute to the forum. Thanks.
Hi all,

I have found this website extremely helpful.

I have a question and hoping someone can help.

I have a column (A2:G2)and each cell have a number. I have a sum total in H2 e.g 10,000.

I am wondering if there is a formula where I can go through scenarios where I can change any cell in A2-G2, and the other cells correct themselves to maintain the total of 10,000 in H2?

Hope that makes sense.

Thanks in advance,

Hello all! New to the site and am very excited to share and grow in my Excel knowledge!!

Thanks for all that contribute!!


Im not new to Excel but I am self taught, and this site is helping hugely! I am moving into the heady world of being a BA, and the department I work in has over 300 different activities to do, between 100 staff, and across 8 work types, so keeping on top of what theyre doing and where we need to go next is pretty hard work and is really testing my Excel knowledge!

I will hopefully be hearing from a few of you shortly about my most recent issue which has me completely stuck!
Hello, I'm Michael from California. Have been using excel since '92, but find I'm not as knowledgeable about some of the more powerful functionality as I would like to become. Looking forward to learning more here.
Howdy. I'm Jeff Weir, from Wellington New Zealand. I work 4 days per week for the tax man, plus run a small-but-growing excel consultancy on the side.

I'm a formula challenge nut, do quite a bit of VBA to do with things like pivottables (and you can see my latest contribution at Deb's Contextures blog at

http://blog.contextures.com/archives/2013/06/18/update-multiple-pivot-tables-20130618/ )

and have a love of data visualisation (did a guest post way back at http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/07/24/medicare-chart-critique/ )

I'm looking forward to interacting on this forum, partly to help out but largely to be exposed to business problems and different approaches that I wouldn't otherwise get the chance to see.

If any Wellington members want to meet up regularly in person as part of a user group, I'd be happy to facilitate.

Cheers all.
Hi All Respected!

i am Muhammad Shakeel Ishaq from Lahore, Pakistan working as an auditor, accounts & operations on different projects on group of a companies. I am bachelor of commerce and doing Chartered Accountancy at present.

On different projects at start i am working on financial accounts in Excel, later on data enter in Oracle Financial R12i.

i am always in hunger to make systems in excel automatic, that's why i have join this forum & learn a lot & get help a lot specially from Deb, Sir JB7, Hui, LukeM, Faseeh, Bohbc. all forum members are great.

Hey Guys,

I'm Balaji from Chennai, India. I work for a Consultancy Firm, Excel has not been new to me however the I am new to VBA, I always wanted to make this easier and simpler using excel.

Hope I hear quickly on the latest issue I have posted.



My name is Vikalp Tripathi and I am currently working as sales operation leader. I have been doing lot of reporting in excel lately and found this blog of great help to me. I am trying to automate most of the reports for the company so that resource time should not be wasted. Will keep you all posted about my success or failure


Hi Everybody,

My name is Enayat and I am living in Kabul Afghanistan.

I am feeling so glad for being a part of Chandoo.org

I learned lots of useful trick from this forum and your interesting posts.

Thanks Chandoo.org members and the founder.