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  • When starting a new post, to receive a quicker and more targeted answer, Please include a sample file in the initial post.

Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hello everyone,

I find myself searching this site on a daily basis to help out in my job as a payroll analyst. There's so much that I don't know, and exciting when I find something new to add to my tool box of tricks.
Hi, I'm Kavsmate and I ask awkward, awkward questions.

I'm not bad with VBA, but I'm no genius.

This site has helped me in the past, and I thought it was about time I joined.
If I have 2 excel files. We’ll call one good, and one bad.

Can I ask that if value in ‘Column A Bad’ is = to a value in ‘Column A Good’, then give me the values from ‘Columns B Bad and I Bad’, put the values in ‘Columns B Good and C Good’?
I'm TJ from Alaska. I've been using Excel since the late '90s and several people at work seem to have it in their heads that I'm an expert of sorts, haha. I've learned a lot over the years, but there is so much still that I don't know. I found this forum during an all-day search for guidance on an issue; after searching the forum for a couple of hours I still hadn't turned up an answer so I went ahead and joined, posted my question, and now I'm about to find out if I can implement the suggested solution. I like what I see here at Chandoo.org and I hope to learn much more by frequenting this blog and the forums!


You're placing the question at the wrong place. Please don't answer here and start a new topic in "Ask Excel a question" section.

Perhaps you'd want to read the green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

Hello Everyone! Welcome to VBAClasses.com (rendered in Chandoo's Voice)...:).

My name is Udy. I currently work as an IT Analyst in Asset Management.

Been using Excel for about 7 years now and I'm still amazed at how much I do not know. I'm pretty hooked on Chandoo at the moment. This guy and his team are addictive. When I heard his name a few months ago, I was like, "Yeah Right!". Today, I'm like "why can't I stop reading Chandoo?"

I look forward to being an active player here.
Pat, here- I am trying to learn all I can in order to move into a new job. I guess I would call myself an advanced beginner with Excel. I have used it for many years to a certain extent but now need to know more. Thanks for being here!
hi guys, i am sanjay from india. i am working in a automotive industry. Here excel automation is must. using Chandoo i am learning a lot.

Thanks chandoo
Hi all,

I'm Carley, working as an MI Analyst in Brentwood Essex.

Loving this site for helping me with quick fixes and to assist with queries.

Great job and Thanks to all involved :)
Hello everyone

I find myself on this site nearly everyday for work, and pleasure, so thought it was about time I said hello. Great site and thanks for the elegant solutions.

Stan (Nottingham, UK)
birdiegirl here, use this site a lot to find answers to my questions on Excel. get Chandoo's email every day. :)



Hi everyone

Someone wise suggested I introduce myself. My name is Sergio and I am in Toronto Canada. While I do not work with Excel as much, I am a bit of an enthusiast for personal needs. Thanks for the help I have received so far and I look forward to using this site to learn even more and perhaps share what I do know.

Hi All,

I have jsut joined again after 4 years. Great to see this forum.

Had great help from Chandu in the past.

very useful.
Hi Everyone,

I am Shane from Texas. I use excel everyday and have used this site more off than on for the last three years. It has helped me tremendously!!

Hello everyone

I'm excited about finding this site. My name is Darlene and I'm pretty intermediate (not advanced yet) in Excel and I need help but I learn from that help and document it for future use. I appreciate people with knowledge because I want to know too. I'm not ashamed to ask for help and I appreciate all the help that I can get because I love what do. So I'm looking forward to all the help I can get.
Hi...I am Ghanshyam Khatri

Would you help me on "Scenario Manager" under "What if....". I learned but can't remember.Please tell me how i can make scenario investment of 10,000 after 10, 15, 20 year and return will at 6%,8%,12%.Thanks...
Hi gang,

My name is Carmen Cruz; I am intermediate in the sense that I have been working with excel for a long time however I don't think I have used it to the capabilities that it has, but that is why I'm here. I hope to learn a lot and if I'm lucky help someone out as well, thank you for providing me a place to learn!
@Ghanshyam Khatri!


You're placing the question at the wrong place. Please don't answer here and start a new topic in "Ask Excel a question" section.

Perhaps you'd want to read the green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).


I thought that I was an intermediate excel user, trying to step it up a notch. Am blown away and over my head trying to follow some of the questions and answers here. Trying to go through the site and locate my question to find where it has already been answered so as to not post a question already answered, and am finding that I am not even at a level good enough to articulate what I am looking for or to read and understand many posts. I am looking forward to following the site in an effort to learn more.
Hi! I'm Iksar from Southern California!

Longtime Chandoo follower and Excel Newb hoping to become a ninja someday! :).
Hello all, I've been using Excel for many years just getting into more advanced stuff recently. I've got a handle on VBA, hoping to learn more about dashboards.

