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Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hello my name is Ed. And I have used this site a few times for some help based on other peoples topics...SO THANK YOU! This is my first forum that I have ever joined. I hope to become as good as all of you at excel.
Hi I am a Civil Engineer and always fecinated with Numbers. Excel is great to keep me busy and Chandoo is great in keeping my interest into it. Thanks dear.
Hello Everyone,

This is Alok Nigam from HP India. I am an excel enthusiast and am here for seeking and providing excel help.


Hi all. Using Excel is not part of my normal job but I'm trying to venture into new areas at work. That being said, I am an extreme novice. I have found some helpful information on the site so far but I have what I think is a tricky problem that I will be asking for some help on soon.

Thanks to all for your great input and to Chandoo and the Excel Ninjas for the awesome site.
Hi all,

This is ujjwal das from Kolkata. I want to learn advanced excel such as Pivot table and Pivot charts. I have found this site in google for searching excel reporting content.


Ujjwal Das

i m sudipta dey from kolkata, working in a private company in accounts/mis, chandoo help me to improve myself not only in excel but also i have improved my job quality in my office and which also appriciate by my boss. thank you chandoo and to entire family of this site.

Hi, I'm Jenny, using Excel in a US govt job. I'd say my skills are intermediate; just enough knowledge to be dangerous. ;)
Hi I'm Jacob and I'm using Excel 2010 at work where I provide management with ad hoc reports as well as weekly production reports. Using some VBA to automate some repeat reports, and wanting to gain more knowledge in that area as well as learning more about various functions that I am just becoming aware of.
Hi i am Amol working in the field of Finance wherein we use Excel as a primary tool for presentation and automation. Love this website due to the fact that it explains Excel terminology in layman's terms. Thanks a ton Chandoo for all your (and your teams's) efforts and help.
Hello and greetings from Orlando, Florida (USA). This is Douglas; thank you very much for your work and time, this is an invaluable place for Excel newbies and masters alike.
Hello everyone,

I just found this site last night and it looks awesome. I'm going to the question section so I hope someone can help me! I really like Excel, but apparently I know nothing about it. I haven't used them yet, but Thank you for the tips you have already given me.
Hello all

I am entering this with an objective to enhance my understanding of Excel and Excel VBA. I have also attended VBA Classes of Chandoo. Classes have indeed been awesome.


T R Ramamurthy
Hi Forum.

It is no big deal but I don't think I can edit my password to one I will remember.
Hi All,

I'm Ross from the UK. I am the Excel go to guy for most people at the company I work for and have recently found a lot of solutions or at least partial solutions to specific problems posted here so thought I would join up and hopefully contribute. I have been a SAP BEx Analyzer (Excel with Add-In) report writer for a number of years and am just learning the Business Objects reporting suite and all the limitations associated with it (especially to do with Dashboard/Xcelcious). In the past I have concentrated on using VBA but now thats out the window in Dashboards I need to concentrate on using normal spreadsheet functionality.
Hi all,

Newly hired Business Analyst that is glad to find a good site to help me out with Excel.

Hye everyone. I just come across this site after encounter an error in Excel and immediately i fell for this site. This site really a good platform for newbies to learn more functions in Excel. Hope the admin continue pouring new guide in this site. Thanks.
Hello, my name is Allen. I am from Utah, USA. I am semi-retired.I am now intermediate Excel user, thanks to Chandoo and a graduate course I enrolled in last year (October 2012) at Brigham Young University. The title of course was, "Business Analysis with Excel - The Master Jedi Course". Chandoo and the course opened my eyes to Excel possibilities. As I have followed Chandoo the last two years I have concluded that many of you are true Jedi Masters in Excel. It is fascinating to watch how quickly you solve problems and provide solutions. Thank you.

As I look back now to my life before Chandoo and the college course, I would say my use of Excel compared to using a computer as typewriter. So much untapped potential - and old adage, The worst part of not knowing is not to know what we don't know. Thank you Chandoo. Now what I don't know, I know where to find the answer. I hope to someday be awesome Excel user as Chandoo hopes for too.
Hello, I am working alot with excel file. I found it challenging and it great when you can create a good formula.

I did many research on Chandoo.org formula and found it helpful!

I am from Vietnam, my name is Hac
Hello everybody, glad to join this focus group. I work as a Program/Project Manager and directing a PMO creation for a customer in Spain. I will be happy to contribute with my 2 cents of creativity and practical knowledge to this group.
Hello everybody. I use excel frequently but not in the advanced fashion I see on this site which is why I wanted to join. Looking forward to learning lots of new things.