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Hello .. Introduce yourself


My name is Shaun from Melbourne, Australia.

I am currently developing my skills in excel, playing around with VBA and various formulas to create an automated share picking spreadsheet. I have been met with many, many challenges. Fortunately, I have had some help from a friend to date pushing me in the right directions.

I think that pretty well covers me.


Hey Chandoo...Thanks for this wonderflu website,i find it very much useful in using excel.

Great that i visited this site,got a silly question how can we change the profile picture..
Hi Chandoo,

Let me THANK YOU first for the wonderful & powerful website.

I'm Sridhar, an Indian, living in Japan from last 6 years.

I'm a Configuration and Security Analyst and my work involves preparation of reports on periodic basis (I mean almost daily basis) and most of these reports are excel based. I've been struggling from last year using Excel and while searching for Vlookup article, I found the Vlookup cheater john sheet which was very helpful for me which led me to your website and from then onward I became frequent visitor (daily visitor ;-) )

Your website and the amount of information it contains is huge, really great.

I would like to take the Excel School training and planning to sign-up for it shortly to become an awesome in Excel :)


My name is Jaimee. I'm pretty much self taught in excel and have just started to take online classes to help myself along. I love this site!
Hi Everyone,

I'm Dave from Seattle, Washington. I've been using Excel and vba for a little while now, coming into the fold around 1999 after finding out I could use my Visual Basic skills within Excel.

Echoing others, I have to say Chandoo, you've build an awesome resource. Been visiting the site for at least a year and a half and finally starting to contribute. I've learned a lot from you and others here and hope to share what I know as well.
I am Susan and live and work as a Business Analyst for an insurance adjusting firm in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I am pretty much the "go to" person for excel and have been asked to offer an Excel Lunch & Learn next month. Hence, through my scouring of the internet for tips and trick I found Chandoo.org and feel it is a Blog I want to return to as my own "go to". I have never been a member of a Blog but, will contribute when I can and continue to learn.
Hi. I am Jennifer from Melbourne, Australia and I work as a PA in an IT firm that strangely (IMHO or is it just me??) doesn't seem to understand or use Excel alot! I was going to start learning VBA on my own but work demands took up my time.

My background is media and communications but have always found Excel a wonderful tool and use it invariably at every job I've work in, however different companies require different reporting so I pick up some new functions and drop/forget old ones now and then. I love the emails as it gives me a quick overview of functions that I could use or just know of. I don't use the site as much because I'm so busy but I really should!
Hi, i am Kalpesh Patel from India Nagpur & i am engaged in a Business, i am using excel for preparing Charts & Calculations regarding my business i really enjoy to work with excel & all i know about excel is by self learning, & i hope i will keep learning always :)
Hi. My name is Josh. I work in Los Angeles and use excel extensively for financial modeling purposes. The site has been extremely helpful with my day to day work, and I hope to increase my Excel knowledge exponentially.
Joined to post in forums today, but have been receiving mails since January and found Chandoo February of last year.

Excel is a great place to find new challenges each day, and each new posting from Chandoo in my mail teaches me something new...

Luvvin it...

My name is Mark and I've been a user of Excel for more years than I care to remember. Most of my work with Excel relates to analysis of large scientfic data sets. I'd say I was a proficient user but am always looking to improve. Looking at the various posts and users on this site I'm relatively speaking very much a novice.

Looking forward to the journey.

Best wishes,

Austinma (Mark)
Hi, my name is Ralph and I've been using Excel for just one year now, but discover every day more and mare how useful this program is at areas, and cant see how I have missed all that prior to my engagement with Excel.

Within that year I've learned a lot and hope to master some advanced calculations. See you in my posts soon...

Hello folks, I'm Gustavo from Brazil, and I'm hoping to lean more and make my spreadsheets better (best for my work).
Hi everyone! I'm Jan from Lancashire, UK - I stumbled across Chandoo.org tonight and was amazed at the depth of knowledge by the contributors together with the friendliness of all on the site.

I've added the site to my favourites as I know I will be a regular visitor.

Keep up the good work Chandoo & Team!

Best regards, Jan.
Hi folks - J here. Been an Excel tinkerer for some time now and have used chandoo as a resource from time to time to unwind my messes and to learn new techniques.

In Northern California, working for insurance company, evil, I know!

I am doing more data analysis and such, so expect to see me here more often. I already jumped the gun and posted a question before reading the stickies... WHOOPS! READING NOW. :)

-- J aka TheShooter
Hi Chandoo,

nice to see that you have created a wonderful source of information here.

I am from Hyderabad. Did my MBA from IIM Calcutta and B.Tech from IIT Madras.

I was googling for a problem I just faced, and then landed up on your website

I wanted to ask a question on excel so thought first I should introduce myself here.
Hi Chandoo,

I stumbled across your website some months ago and was blown away by your skills and enthusiasm for Excel!

I am still learning a lot and I wondered if you knew how to insert a new line in a linked spreadsheet with data entered on another one?

Seems simple in my mind???
Hi Chandoo,

You guys are amazing.....

I have learnt a lot from this website and still learning more & more...

Edit by Luke M

Question moved to: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/excel-to-pdf-issue
Hi, I found this site about 3 months ago and use it frequently for solutions to issues I run across.

You all are wonderful and I'm grateful I found you.
Me again :) .... I notice you all have different little faces on your profile...how can I do that? Mine looks somewhat confused & angry...although that probably isn't too far from reality (the confused part) :)

Have an awesome day! and thank you all for welcoming me so warmly.

Sorry...is this the correct place to post "non-excel" questions?