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Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hi Friends, I am associated with this site for last 4 months and find it really interesting and helpful...I work as MIS Specialist..and have lots of Analysis related work to do..I get lot of help from this site.I am looking forward to be associated with Chandoo..
Hi, everyone. Found this site when looking for some dynamic graph ideas. What a great site! Looking forward to learning more and hopefully helping others.

I am a trainer who uses Excel probably more for personal reasons than work-related ones, and it's probably my favourite application ever! I find it fascinating, and sites like this make one realise just how amazingly extensive Excel is. Thus I have discovered that I am not even scratching the surface as far as my knowledge level goes, and am really excited about learning more from the experts here! I just posted my first question today, and the response was almost instantaneous. Really awesome stuff!

I am a Financial Manager (Comptroller) in the US. I've been working with Excel for about 6 years now; yet, I still consider mysealf an ameteur due to the exstensiver capabilities of the program. However, I can navigate pretty well through most of it's basic operatoins. I use Excel very frequently in my job and seek out as many opportunities as possible to incorporate it's use within my operations. This site is awesome and has an enormous amount of information!! I look forward to expanding my knowledge from the use of this forum.

I m glad i m registered now and can learn more on excel. Well i an an IT programmer in junior high school.

I use excel together with access for student data management. This forum will help me heaps in academic data manipulations .t. Thanks so much for this website. Looking forward to learning more.

My name is dawn and i live in Botswana..Africa.

I m glad i m registered now and can learn more on excel. Well i an an IT programmer in junior high school.

I use excel together with access for student data management. This forum will help me heaps in academic data manipulations .t. Thanks so much for this website. Looking forward to learning more.

My name is dawn and i live in Botswana..Africa.
I say there old chap(s),

I am a Financial analyst for a municipality in Texas. I use Excel for about 60% of my day. I have been on your emailing list probably since you first started it. I finally registered for your site because I need to soak up information on Dashboards, VBA, and macros as my job description has recently changed. Looking forward to learning and meeting some of you folks.
Hi everyone,

I work as Data Processing/Analyst in the Ministry of Education (Indonesia). I used excel everyday so this site becomes my daily stop at work and this is where I found so many function that have been eager to find out.
Hi everybody, this is Sachin from India.

First let me apologize for not introducing myself till date.

I joined this forum on 12 December 2011.

Myself Sachin from India, I stay in Pune City.

I would like to tell something about my city.

Ours is a historical city. This was epicenter for all the happenings for freedom struggle in India.

After independence it was called city of pensioners, City of cycles, Cambridge of east.

Now we are just city of motorcycles, once a peaceful city dying slow death due to crumbling infrastructure.

Something about me, I work for one of the biggest “Small-Cap” firm.

My work involves processing multi dimensional financial data.

My interest in excel grew because of the work, we do about 99% of our work in excel. Now this has become my passion.

One of my colleagues introduced me to this forum & from then I am die hard fan of yours.

Trust me yours is the best forum about excel.

I would like to thank Chandoo for this phenomenal forum.

I have received lot of help & support on this forum, every time I post any problem I get the reply instantaneously.

Please do keep up the good work, all the best, & thanks a lot for helping a novice like me.

Have a nice day to all, Sachin.

P.S. - Sir, I genuinely hope that I have posted at the right place this time.

I am Alex, a Globe Trotters Designer, From France, India, US, Malaysia, China... well from everywhere the wind of job carry me. I hate Excel so I join here ... HELP ME! :)
Hello Everyone,

I am Kenny, i work as an IT Support staff. I use Excel a lot at my work place for Data Processing and Analysis.I registered on this site because I need to be more vast in the use of Excel Macros and Dashboards.
Hey everyone. Thanks in advance for your help. At first I'll be asking more than answering but hope to become a helper soon enough!



I'm Jolly from India. I joined this forum on 25th July,2012.

I found this site when I was searching for solution to a excel quarry on Google.. Suppperb site for learning excel..Thanks CHANDOO.. I'am looking forward to learn & expand my excel knowledge..:)
Hello all.

I joined this forum on July 25th, 2012 having recently discovered Chandoo.org

So far seems like an AWESOME community of people, I won't guarantee that I'll be able to help out anyone (I'm a bit in awe of the Excel wizardry here), but I'll contribute where I can.

My goals are to improve my dashboarding, visualization and data analysis skills
Hi all,

I have been getting the newletters for some time and I thought it is time to join the forum too. So here I am. Originally I am from germany, but I lived in ENgland, Bangladesh, and now in the Pacific region.

Looking forward to all the discussions here
Hello there to everyone.

I'm Michelle from Melbourne, Australia. I was first introduced to Chandoo many, many months ago by a work colleague at the time and have had it saved in my bookmarks ever since.

I've been dropping in quietly and unnoticed, on and off over the past year or so to hunt down solutions to my Excel problems but have now officially joined up as I've just moved workplaces and have found myself all alone in my Excel world!

I love the camaraderie on this forum and am so happy to part of it all.

Looking forward to my next chapter ahead... :)
Hi to everyone! I discovered chandoo while desperately searching for a way to modify the shape of the cloud, i.e., rectangular. Now that i am already a member, I hope my problem will be solved soon.
Hello hello! I used Chandoo during my MBA to develop my excel skills for financial analysis. I have recently began using Visio and Access to improve my data skills and am looking forward to using these in the workforce.
Hi all,

i am sanmaya and today i joined chandoo.org, i was following the blog of chandoo.org a sometime before. i joined here to sharp my skill with excel. hope here i will get good knowledge.

Andrew is my name, here to sharpen my excel skills to aid my role as a financial business analyst.

Thanks Chandoo...
Hi all

A brief introduction from me. My name's Aneela and I live in the UK. I work as a Commercial Analyst, love Excel and love this forum! I always thought my Excel skills were pretty strong until I see what a lot of the guys and gals on here do! Fantastic stuff!

Thanks Chandoo...
Better late than never!


I am Sajan, and have been a member of this site for a couple of months now. I am amazed by the generosity of the forum regulars. Keep up the great work and fun!

While I dont have anything against VBA, I use it only as a last resort. I love clever, concise formulas, and this forum is a great place to learn of some!

I hope to continue learning while sharing my tidbits of knowledge with others.


Hi there, My name is Martin and I am an Chandoo.org addict. I have stumpbled upon the blog some weeks ago looking for who knows what information about an excel problem. I have already forgotten because I have been overloaded with additional information I have not been looking for ;o]

However, I work as a data analyst in automotive industry and I am a self learner in all Excel related as my current employer does not find it valuable to train the employees. I have absolutely no background in data analysis, statistics or such (actually I have studied tourism and ended up in logistics just thanks to language and PC skills)and there fore most of my work is trial and error at the moment. And since this company desists investments in good robust systems, most of the work is done in Excel, so here Chandoo.org comes to my rescue and I wish for a looong and prosperous (for me ;o]]]) relationship...