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Hello .. Introduce yourself

Hi everyone, my name is Mags and I'm new a newbie having found your site when looking for help with my excel questions. It is by far my favourite and I probably visit at least once daily. I am a project manager for a telecom company and am currently trying to improve our MI reporting, hence my need to improve my excel skills.

Your site is excellent and very helpful. Thanks everyone for all the help I have already gained by reading your previous posts. Who knows, maybe one day I will be able to return the favour.

Regards Mags
Hello all. My name is Leisa. I found your site be chance and love it. I have not been using Excel for a few years now and very rusty! I am here to channel my inner geek.
Hi Gordon from New Zealand

Found the site looking for Excel Tutorials for my son who has just started work and is looking to automate a number of Excel tasks.

Very interested myself in use of Excel in Geo-coding and handling large Digital Terrain datasets

Thanks and regards
Hi Charles from England,

Trying to improve a database I have compiled over the past few months for work and came across this site. Already used one of the threads to save me a good few hours work and will hope to tap into the knowledge more in the coming weeks.

Hi, I'm Sean from Rhode Island, and I found this site in my searching for Excel tips. It's been very handy as I slowly become my office's Excel "guru".
Hi. My name is Abe and I am an attorney in California. We have a small office (5 attorneys) and I have developed an interest in using Excel to streamline our business. I hope to learn enough about Excel formatting that I can actually implement some of the Dashboard ideas that I have thought up (but can't actually execute).
Hi, my name is Elkhan from Azerbaijan and I am a petroleum engineer. I have learnt many things from chandoo.org and want even more. thanks a lot for what you have done to help people becoming excel master.
Hi, Pablo from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I develope software in .NET and Office products, mostly Excel and Access.

I'm here to go on learning, improving and applying. In the meanwhile, collaborate and help.

Best regards for all!
Hi, I am Clive from Australia, and very impressed with the chandoo site. Your tips and tricks are excellent, and help present difficult data in a very clear visual way. I will be coming back regularly to get feedback from your excel "aficionados".

Question? do you know how to set the Radar graphs at 10 max where all inputs are less than 10. Excel automatically tries to help and sets the maximum chart to the highest value (less than 10) and visually does not present in a standard 10 scale format. Kindest Regards to you all.
Hi all,

Been using Excel for twenty years and used to write all kinds of fun macros back in the day. I've since forgotten just about everything. My current project is very Excel heavy, so I'm re-learning lots and enjoying automating what I can using functions and so on.

Anyway, this looks like a great forum and I'm looking forward to learning and sharing what I do know.

Hi All,

I have been following the email newsletter for quite some time and enjoy visiting the blog site for additional tips and to search for answers. The sites are great and a valuable resource for anyone who uses Excel.

Hello Chandoo

This website definitely promotes productivity at work to an all new different level. You cant possibly chart(even using your excel skills) the number of man hours you have saved for countless people struggling to impart the right message through their excel-ations.

This is st3pp3r. Noob at advanced excel. Prepared to kick some boss-butt after i'm done with your lessons.

My name is Lars, I am writing this from Norway, just sitting her digesting christmas food and enjoying this recently discovered, most excel-lent spread sheet page/ -forum! :)
Hi - Steve from Detroit.

New to having a login, but I've appreciated this site for a few years now.

Looking forward to participating in the forum section.
I began my new job as an analyst at a small financial's call center. I had only a basic understanding of excel, but with the help of this site I have learned something(s) every day! In just 4 months I am amazed by how much I have already gained from this site. The formula examples are incredibly helpful as are the conditional formatting tips. I am very imaginative and creative in my work and this has allowed me to create splendid and useful charts. I plan on taking the Excel School – Online Excel & Dashboard Training Program in 2012! I plan to post questions and answers in the near future. Thank you for this wonderful site!
Hey Chandoo,

Thanks for having such an amazing, helpful and insightful site.

I'm trying to create Sparkline charts on a big data set using VBA. Could you offer some insight on how to do it


Hi Guys,

I am Vijitkumar. I work as a team leader for a customer service process. I am still a learner and have joined this forum with the intention to learn more about Excel and VBA.

Hopefully, I could someday contribute in small ways with any little knowledge that I possess about excel.

I'm Vojin and I greet you from Belgrade, Serbia. I work at Belgrade "Nikola Tesla" Airport PLC as a maintenance engineer.

Joined this awesome site hoping I'll gain some Excel knowledge and later on share it with others.
