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  1. S

    Thank You, Thank You

    Thanks Guys I think I would just like to add my photo. Can you give me some directive because I am not getting it. Susan
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    How to Best Match Manual Calculator Calculations to MS Excel Calculations

    Hi Narayan Thanks for the ROUND formula (it works!) and for the formula modification. I, too, think that some of these forumulae are "wordy" and shall consider changing. Susan
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    Dynamic Function Does Not Work When Worksheet is Protected and/or Cell Bolded

    Hi Hui My Calculation Options are set to Automatic but, this is my process. I prefer Cell O5 to be BOLD so, I format it this way and pull down on A21. After I do this, I can see that the sum formula updated correctly but, I also see that Cell O5 has reverted back to non-Bold. So, I "BOLD"...
  4. S

    Count days

    Hi Secema Your English is just fine. Please upload your file. Thanks. Susan
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    A Better Way to Show an Error in the Calculation??

    Thanks Hui Yes, I do see what you are saying. I have deduced that this may be due to the way this file is protected also because both Locked and Hidden are activated. Does that make sense?
  6. S

    Thank You, Thank You

    Hello I have been using this Help Site alot in the last week and want to thank those that have responded to my queries. I am a newbie with all these functions but, am learning thanks to your help. Hopefully, I soon will be able to give back instead of taking all the time. Thanks again, I...
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    Dynamic Function Does Not Work When Worksheet is Protected and/or Cell Bolded

    Hello everyone I have built this spreadsheet using a table from Row 20 on. By selecting cell A21 and pulling on the lower right corner, I am able to add more rows with the formulas intact. I have also created a dynamic print range and the sums in Cells O5, E12 & E13 are dynamic also but...
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    How to Best Match Manual Calculator Calculations to MS Excel Calculations

    Hi Everyone You will see from the enclosed that the formula for O21 is as follows: ((N21*J21)-(N21*J21)*L21))). You will also see the the Excel calculation total vs my calculator total is $499.44 vs $499.80 and $445.72 vs $445.49 for Cells O21 and O23. The manually calculated total must be...
  9. S

    A Better Way to Show an Error in the Calculation??

    Thanks Hui How did you get to know all of this information and it seems to be innate to you! I am majorly jealous. Have you looked at the file in my "Creating Custom Screen with Userform" question. It has formula's in it i.e. E9-19 but, you cannot see them. Why is that? It makes for a clean...
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    A Better Way to Show an Error in the Calculation??

    Hi Narayan I am hoping the following explanations will help: 1) I had to build this sheet to default first to Actual Cash Value Bulk Total and then to Replacement Cost Bulk Total and then drill down to the respective Per Item Totals. I also built this sheet for manual data entry to B20 to...
  11. S

    Cannot Insert Rows / How to Insert Rows So That Formulas Copy

    Thanks for the detailed response, in my case, I had to go into the VB editor and reset the UsedRange property. I appreciate your help.
  12. S

    Best Way to Set Print Area So That It Includes Any Row Inserts

    Thanks very much for this, Hui. It works and I so appreciate your help.
  13. S

    Cannot Insert Rows / How to Insert Rows So That Formulas Copy

    OK, to clarify my insert line problem, I am trying to insert a line in Line 9. I am simply selecting the line, right clicking and selecting Insert. One line inserts but, then I get the above error message for the next insert. I hope that helps.
  14. S

    A Better Way to Show an Error in the Calculation??

    You are absolutely correct and I apologize. I failed to unhide Columns P & T that my question refers to. If you do so you will see what my question refers to. Someone mentioned that perhaps the value refered to in Column T could present in red font instead of a TRUE or FALSE statement. I...
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    Cannot Insert Rows / How to Insert Rows So That Formulas Copy

    Thank you so much Narayank991. I continue to learn and so appreciate your help. It makes total sense and you are correct, all of the DIV0!'s are now gone. I can insert one line, then I get the following error message: 'To prevent possible loss of data, Excel cannot shift nonblank cells off of...
  16. S

    A Better Way to Show an Error in the Calculation??

    I have highlighted the two columns in question in pink. In the first, the Total ACV & Replacement Cost quantities cannot exceed the Total Item Qty. The second, is the a manual entry in the Replacement Cost cell cannot be greater than the Estimated Replacement Cost. I appreciate any feedback...
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    Best Way to Set Print Area So That It Includes Any Row Inserts

    I am pretty proud of the enclosed file but, end user is concerned about having to set the print area for each project. Is there a way I can simplify that for him? http://www.2shared.com/file/2bwiSgPQ/CVR-Test_2012_12_08.html
  18. S

    Cannot Insert Rows / How to Insert Rows So That Formulas Copy

    1) I need to insert rows from the blue highlighted line down but, I keep getting the error message that you will get also. I have gone to CtrlEnd many times but it does not go ahead. 2) I need to know how to insert a line and have the previous lines' formula's copy as well. Also, is there a way...
  19. S

    Creating Custom Screens with Userform

    A colleague shared with me the enclosed file and wanted me to duplicate the "Add Lines" macro it contains. At least I recognize what it is but, need guidance on even where to start. Can someone walk me through it? Here is the download link to the file. Also, it is in .xls format and I wish to...
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    Line Chart with 2 Data Series

    Thanks for the suggestion, Hui, but the owner of this task was set on a line chart.
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    Line Chart with 2 Data Series

    SirJB7, you are my hero. Changing the cell reference to $C$2 worked and, you know, I doubt I would have ever figured it out. Thanks for your help and for your PS. I have followed your suggestion. :)
  22. S

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    I am Susan and live and work as a Business Analyst for an insurance adjusting firm in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I am pretty much the "go to" person for excel and have been asked to offer an Excel Lunch & Learn next month. Hence, through my scouring of the internet for tips and trick I found...
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    Line Chart with 2 Data Series

    I learned how to post the file and have done so through 2shared.com. Here is the link where I have highlighted the area of concern in pale yellow. http://www.2shared.com/file/P3w6xdK1/Data_Series_Question.html
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    Line Chart with 2 Data Series

    I need to create a graph with 2 different series of data. One is for the entire production period (Jan-Dec) and the second is for the production period Jan-Jun for which I need to forcast a trend. The thing is that when I create the second series, excel graphs starting from "0" instead of the...