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Line Chart with 2 Data Series

Susan J

New Member
I need to create a graph with 2 different series of data. One is for the entire production period (Jan-Dec) and the second is for the production period Jan-Jun for which I need to forcast a trend.

The thing is that when I create the second series, excel graphs starting from "0" instead of the first data point.

How do I fix this? Is it possible for me to send you the chart so that you can see it?
I learned how to post the file and have done so through 2shared.com. Here is the link where I have highlighted the area of concern in pale yellow.

Hi, Susan J!

The range "Total Volume Shipped (Jan 2010 - Oct 2011)" refers to cells $B$2:$B$670.

The range "Total Volume Shipped (Jan-Sept 2010)" refers to cells $C$1:$C$274.

The range "01-Apr-11" refers to cells $D$1:$D$670.

The range "20-Feb-11" refers to cells $E$1:$E$670.

Tried changing the second one to start form row 2? That's to say $C$2:$C$274.

Even the last two are blank, they should be adjusted to start from row 2, i.e, $D$2:$D$670 and $E$2:$E$670.

Just advise if it doesn't work.


PS: If you haven't done it yet, perhaps you'd want to read the three green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on)

Have you tried doing this as a Scatter Chart instead of as a Line Chart?
SirJB7, you are my hero. Changing the cell reference to $C$2 worked and, you know, I doubt I would have ever figured it out. Thanks for your help and for your PS. I have followed your suggestion. :)
Hi, Susan J!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and your kind words, and welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
