• Hi All

    Please note that at the Chandoo.org Forums there is Zero Tolerance to Spam

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  • When starting a new post, to receive a quicker and more targeted answer, Please include a sample file in the initial post.

Thank You, Thank You

Susan J

New Member

I have been using this Help Site alot in the last week and want to thank those that have responded to my queries.

I am a newbie with all these functions but, am learning thanks to your help.

Hopefully, I soon will be able to give back instead of taking all the time.

Thanks again, I sure appreciate it.

By the way, how do I change my icon, I am tired of looking so frustrated all of the time. :)
Hi !   Read [url= http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/how-to-add-our-photograph-pictures-in-chandoo-posting-icon
Hi !

See this post :  http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/how-to-add-our-photograph-pictures-in-chandoo-posting-icon]this

Have a read of:

Hi !   I tried several times to post the direct link but each time it wasn't saved, like if it was a spam …

So just do a search on "chandoo avataricon".

Edit :  Hui was faster and he can post a link …
Thanks Guys

I think I would just like to add my photo.

Can you give me some directive because I am not getting it.


As stated om Hui's link, the avatars are controlled by gravatar. If you go to their website, you can set up a picture to be associated with your email. (make sure it's the same email your using here). Then, after a few minutes, it should start using whatever picture you selected as your avatar. Or, you could use an image hosting site, load something up, and post the link here, if you just want to share a single picture.