Hi Susan ,
I went through your formulae in the various cells , and I am not able to understand your exact requirement. Let me put down the formulae here :
1. N20 has the formula : =B20
This means that N20 will always have whatever value is there in cell B20 i.e. N20 and B20 will never differ.
2. R20 has the formula : =IF(N20=B20,0,B20)
This means that if N20 and B20 are equal , R20 will have the value 0 , otherwise , it will have the value B20.
However , since N20 and B20 will always match because of the formula in (1) , R20 will always be 0.
3. P20 has the formula : =(N20+R20)>B20
This means that P20 will be TRUE if (N20 + R20) is greater than B20 ; otherwise it will be FALSE.
However , we have seen in (1) that N20 = B20 always ; in (2) we have seen that R20 = 0 always ; therefore (N20 + R20) will equal N20 , and since N20 is always equal to B20 , it can never be greater than B20.
Hence , by the formulae which have been used , P20 will always be FALSE. It can never become TRUE.
Can you specify what exactly you want to check ?