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Count days


New Member
Please help me (sorry because my English languaje isn´t very good).

How I calculate lost workdays in C2 and D2, from two dates, example: from 01-25-2012 in A2, to 02-14-2012 in B2?. I´m going to copy in next rows with other examples.

How many lost days on january (C2), and how many on february (D2)?

Thanks a lot from Mexico
Hi ,

There is no problem with your English ; my doubt is over the words "lost workdays" ; can you say exactly what the definition of lost workdays is ?

1. How many workdays are there in January and February ?

2. Given the date 01-25-2012 , do you want to calculate the lost workdays between 01-01-2012 and 01-25-2012 , or do you want to calculate the lost workdays between 01-25-2012 and 01-31-2012 , or even between 01-01-2012 and 01-24-2012 ( excluding 01-25-2012 ) or between 01-26-2012 and 01-31-2012 ?

Lost Workdays - Refers to the particular number of days an employee is absent from work due to an injury or illness or the number of days which the employee is on restricted duty.



Thanks friends
Hi ,

Can you try this formula in D2 ?


Copy it across and down.

Basically , it is implementing the following logic :

1. Either both the start date and the end date are in the month in row 1

2. Only the start date is in the month in row 1

3. Only the end date is in the month in row 1

4. Neither the start date nor the end date is in the month in row 1

The function EOMONTH is available only if the Analysis Toolpak add-in is installed.

It´s amazing the logic, very good!

but it doesn´t work in D4, maybe I don´t have add-in installed

thanks a lot
Hi ,

Sorry , but I did not think that the start date and end date would span more than 2 months. The problem is with the formula itself , not because of an add-in.

Before I revise the formula to take this into account , can you say whether the months in row 1 ( Jan , Feb , Mar ,... ) can be replaced by actual dates e.g. 1/1/2012 , 2/1/2012 , 3/1/2012 ,... ? This will make the formula a little less complicated.

Hi ,

Can you download the file and check it out ?


It´s so beautiful, really work

You´re truly ninja

You have finished my headache

I really appreciate your help