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Is it possible?


i have a user form and there is a command button having a very long vba code therefore i want that if i would press this button then a green round (circle) should appear for processing......

otherwise a message should be appear like this:

Please wait....

Your file is updating.......

Is it possible?

Why not simply change the command buttons caption like

CommandButton1.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) 'Red
CommandButton1.Caption = "Processing, Please wait..."

Then after the code is complete add a line

CommandButton1.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Black
CommandButton1.Caption = "Press to Process"
Hi Mahaveer,

I am not aware of creating a moving green round (circle)but you can create a progress bar for similar kind of effect.

Please download the sample file from here.


In the home page there is a red arrow. Once you hit that arrow, a progress bar will appear (red color will move), once the label gets completely filled with red color, it will take to the next(dashboard) page.

It is basically a userform created with label and frame.

You can control the speed of the progress by adjusting the rowmax and colmax value mentioned in the code at the module "ModProgress".

Examine the design and code and let us know if this is fine.

sir really i am so confuse that how can i do this will u do this for me.......

i had shared a file on the following link


plz help this is my orignal problem....
Hi Mahaveer,

I would be glad to implement the same in your original file but I can not open your file as I am in office network now.

Can you plz wait till evening. I will do this once I will be there in home.

However, does it serve your purpose?


Hi Mahaveer ,

I downloaded your file from this link :


and I find that your post has nothing to do with the file ; your request within the worksheet is for something else.

If I assume that what you have written in the worksheet is what you are wanting to resolve , I have a few doubts :

1. The categories will be many more in number , since you say that your list is a very long list. How are these categories to be entered in row 1 ? At present , you have entered your sample categories in cells F1 to N1 , sorted in alphabetical order.

2. Whenever you make a fresh entry in the Item name and Category columns , do you want that your output table will automatically be reorganized ? Or is it possible that you can run a macro each time you want the output table to be refreshed ? If your list runs into thousands of rows , I think a formula-based solution will take too much of time to recalculate.

hi narayank

yes i want that i can run a macro each time i want the output table to be refreshed....

actually i have a user form for save item name and category in column a and column b.....

but i want to make individual category list automatically everytime in assending order starting from column F.
hi narayank

now u can understand what is my problem.........

check it now....


Hi Mahaveer ,

Please post the public access link ; at present I am getting the following message :


Hi Mahaveer ,

Yes , I have downloaded the file ; it is practically the same as the earlier one.

Give me some time to write the code to do what you want done. I hope you can wait.



This is for your information in the Chandoo.org forums there is no wards to use like Kindly help me urgent and with the same topic you need not to post twice and twice first of all you have to check the problem is solved in before as per your requirement or little bit link with your question

Our Ninja's are not worked for chandoo.org they are from some different countries and they are busy with their work

hope you understand

here is a small formula just enter in the Column F2 using with Array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter)


copy the formula and drag down


Hi, mahaveer!

Let me see if I can make myself clear: have you read the three or four green sticky posts at this forums main page? I think you haven't, otherwise you're being very impolite.

Three days ago when you started your first topic, I wrote your regarding topic title. Here's the link:


Many of the things stated there applies to what you're doing now. Maybe an answer to your half impolite half rude question from your previous post "what happened?" are explained in the original referred green sticky topics, ... for not talking about your impatient "i am waiting......reply plz".

So, here goes again same reminder again.

If you'd have read the first three green sticky posts at this forums main page...


...you should have noticed this points:

"Never title your posts as "Urgent", "Priority" "Immediate". It may be Important to you, but not for rest of the members here. These words will be moderated out."

"Consider that the world is operating 24hrs a day. A late post today may well be answered by someone else overnight."

"Cross Posting, generally it is considered poor practice to cross post, that is to post the same question on several forums in the hope of getting a response quicker."

"If you do cross post, please put that in your post."

"Also if you have cross posted and get an answer elsewhere, have the courtesy of posting the answer here so other readers can learn from the answer also, as well as stopping people wasting there time on your answered question."

"If you and a reader have been involved in an ongoing conversation and the conversation suddenly stops, recognize that the person may have gone to bed, even though you have just arrived at work. In the worst case a reader may go on holidays and not get back to the question for a few days."

"Say "Thanks", whenever you can. Recognize when someone has bothered to go to the trouble and time to assist you with your question. Often readers will spend several hours working on a solution to a problem, a line of recognition will go a long way."


Regarding this file I have already posted a solution per my understanding in the below link:


Check and let us know if it is fine.

As suggested by SirJB7, please avoid doing cross posting as it violates the rule of this forum and it is also very confusing. Request you to please adhere to the forum's rules.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

