Hi, mahaveer!
Let me see if I can make myself clear: have you read the three or four green sticky posts at this forums main page? I think you haven't, otherwise you're being very impolite.
Three days ago when you started your first topic, I wrote your regarding topic title. Here's the link:
Many of the things stated there applies to what you're doing now. Maybe an answer to your half impolite half rude question from your previous post "what happened?" are explained in the original referred green sticky topics, ... for not talking about your impatient "i am waiting......reply plz".
So, here goes again same reminder again.
If you'd have read the first three green sticky posts at this forums main page...
...you should have noticed this points:
"Never title your posts as "Urgent", "Priority" "Immediate". It may be Important to you, but not for rest of the members here. These words will be moderated out."
"Consider that the world is operating 24hrs a day. A late post today may well be answered by someone else overnight."
"Cross Posting, generally it is considered poor practice to cross post, that is to post the same question on several forums in the hope of getting a response quicker."
"If you do cross post, please put that in your post."
"Also if you have cross posted and get an answer elsewhere, have the courtesy of posting the answer here so other readers can learn from the answer also, as well as stopping people wasting there time on your answered question."
"If you and a reader have been involved in an ongoing conversation and the conversation suddenly stops, recognize that the person may have gone to bed, even though you have just arrived at work. In the worst case a reader may go on holidays and not get back to the question for a few days."
"Say "Thanks", whenever you can. Recognize when someone has bothered to go to the trouble and time to assist you with your question. Often readers will spend several hours working on a solution to a problem, a line of recognition will go a long way."