If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
Sheets("Sheet1").OptionButton1.Value = True
Sheets("Sheet2").OptionButton1.Value = True
Sheets("Sheet3").OptionButton1.Value = True
Sheets("Sheet4").OptionButton1.Value = True
Sheets("Sheet5").OptionButton1.Value = True
End If
End Sub
can this be made to an eaiser format. I want to look in everysheet, if the sheet has an option/radio button named optionbutton1 make it true,
There are only two radio buttons.
Sheets("Sheet1").OptionButton1.Value = True
Sheets("Sheet2").OptionButton1.Value = True
Sheets("Sheet3").OptionButton1.Value = True
Sheets("Sheet4").OptionButton1.Value = True
Sheets("Sheet5").OptionButton1.Value = True
End If
End Sub
can this be made to an eaiser format. I want to look in everysheet, if the sheet has an option/radio button named optionbutton1 make it true,
There are only two radio buttons.