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If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then


If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then

Sheets("Sheet1").OptionButton1.Value = True

Sheets("Sheet2").OptionButton1.Value = True

Sheets("Sheet3").OptionButton1.Value = True

Sheets("Sheet4").OptionButton1.Value = True

Sheets("Sheet5").OptionButton1.Value = True

End If

End Sub

can this be made to an eaiser format. I want to look in everysheet, if the sheet has an option/radio button named optionbutton1 make it true,

There are only two radio buttons.
How about this?

If Me.OptionButton1.Value Then 'No need to check for true value, acts like boolean
On Error Resume Next
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.OptionButton1.Value = True
Next ws
On Error GoTo 0
Thanks Luke, but it shows Compile error method or data member name not found and ws.Optionbutton2.value = true is highlighted (next sentence from where the loop starts)

When typing ws.o (OLEobjects) is displayed in the dropdown but no optionbutton1.

Kindly help
Oops, you're right. Should be:

ws.Shapes("OptionButton1").Value = True

Make sure that really is the "exact" name, with no spaces.
Sorry Luke Still not working. Noting happens


Value isn’t listed in the dropdown box available, I tried using OLEObjects instead of shapes but still no gain. Any further help.
Thanks Hui I already have it... here is the whole code but still not working here is what i got with the help of Luke

Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()

Dim ws As Worksheet

If Me.OptionButton1.Value Then

On Error Resume Next

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

ws.OLEObjects("Optionbutton1").Value = True ' Notworking

' ws.Shapes("Optionbutton1").Value = True Not working

Next ws

On Error GoTo 0

'Sheets("Sheet1").OptionButton1.Value = True

End If

End Sub
try this line:


this should work for option buttons which are added as form controls, if you added an activex option button, it will be different
this should do it

Sub ActiveXTest()

Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In Worksheets

On Error Resume Next

Worksheets(ws.Name).OptionButton1.Value = False

On Error GoTo 0


End Sub