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Highlight shape (Rectangle or Callout) with a value when mouse over a bar in a bar chart


New Member
Hello ,

I have a column graph which shows a parameter through years.Now i wanna have a callout or rectangular box to only highlight when the mouse is over a bar, with a value or comment pertaining to that specific bar (I think like the tooltip comment, but with the value i provide). is it possible to do this excel/powerpoint?

Graphs were made in excel and then want to copy it in to ppt.

Version : 2007

Hi, ashfaq267!

As you might have read in the posted link,

"4. Year Selection & Highlighting
This is done using conditional formatting & Worksheet_SelectionChange Event Macro. First, I wrote a simple macro that would change the named range valSelectedYear to the selected year. The code is very simple. You can examine it in the download file.
Then, I used the valSelectedYear to drive the conditional formatting that would fill blue color across the column. As you can guess, the chart is transparent (ie no fill color for both chart area and plot area). So whatever color the cells beneath the chart have, they will show up in the chart too."

it uses events only available in Excel, so you can't replicate that behavior in PowerPoint.
