You seems only know terms: ask, need, want ...
Do You know that sentences which ends with ? are questions.
Normally questions means that someone is waiting answer. (This sentence is not a question.)
You have changes Your needs as many times as You have written ...
After I offer borders --- You didn't want borders --- after I offered as You wanted with those 'boxes' --- You changed You wants again ...
Sometimes, You wanted to use Conditional Formatting ... do You remember what happened?
Who know what would be You next need/want?
Do You know Yourself?
You have had many variations ... maybe there are still few more which You haven't asked/wanted ...
You seems only know terms: ask, need, want ...
Do You know that sentences which ends with ? are questions.
Normally questions means that someone is waiting answer. (This sentence is not a question.)
You have changes Your needs as many times as You have written ...
After I offer borders --- You didn't want borders --- after I offered as You wanted with those 'boxes' --- You changed You wants again ...
Sometimes, You wanted to use Conditional Formatting ... do You remember what happened?
Who know what would be You next need/want?
Do You know Yourself?
You have had many variations ... maybe there are still few more which You haven't asked/wanted ...