am not able to tell u what is my requirement exactly through words
am not able to tell u what is my requirement exactly through words
it is working awesomely thank you so much, but i do have another requirementA guess. See conditional formatting in ranges A1:F10 and H1:M10 of the attached.
hi peter differences are correct but based on that difference value it should highlight the both cells from which output has comeIs this close to meeting your requirement?
In your COLOUR CODE 3 sheet you have many formulae of the ilk:
which puts either text or numeric result in the cell, depending on whether the first digit is larger thanthe last digit; Why?
is there any option based on numeric value those option work because in the given attachment it only works on text format
A guess. See conditional formatting in ranges A1:F10 and H1:M10 of the attached.
PLEASE CHECK THE ATTACHMENT WORK HAS BEEN DONEIs this close to meeting your requirement?
In the attached is conditional formatting as I think you want it.hi am unable to apply same to the other sheet can you provide me the same to the given data and format