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Extracting String from a data with string


New Member
Hey all , need urgent help.I am stuck with a VBA project because of this problem.I got a set of data which is seperated by symbol "/", the code i am trying to build is

if cell value is for eg ABC0604082/00797983 then result should be 00797983

if cell value is ABC0604082/ then result should be ABC0604082

I tried to do text to columns but the result doesn't have leading 0s, which means 00797983 is showing as 797983 & also it'll not belp me with my 2nd condition.

Please help

Sub MyTxt()
Txt = "ABC0604082/00797983" 'then result should be 00797983
'Txt = "ABC0604082/" 'should be ABC0604082/

If Right(Txt, 1) = "/" Then
MsgBox Left(Txt, Len(Txt) - 1)
MsgBox Right(Txt, Len(Txt) - InStr(1, Txt, "/"))
End If
End Sub
Hi Rom... Use this.

Assuming the value is in A1, write


This should extract either left or right portion while retaining leading zeros.
Hi Rom,

One more way assuming your data is in column A starting from Row 1.

Public Sub SplitItUp()
Dim varSplit As Variant
For i = 1 To Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
varSplit = Split(Range("A" & i).Value, "/")
If Len(varSplit(UBound(varSplit))) Then
MsgBox varSplit(UBound(varSplit))
MsgBox varSplit(LBound(varSplit))
End If
Next i
End Sub
Hi all,

we may try this as well:

Hi Rom,

I have a little bit longer trick.. No VBA, No Function.. only Recording.. :)

* Select Column.

* Text to Column.

* Delimeter > "/"

* Next > change both separated columns to TEXT.

* Now you have Two Column (ABC0604082 & (Blank or 00797983))

* Copy Column B.

* Paste Special in Column A, Skip Blanks..

* delete Column B.

Useful.. only in case of long list of Data, and want No Drag & Drop..


@ Shri..

Ha ha ha.. but in case of multiple "/" you will pass due to InStrRev.. and middle data will be overlooked..

unlike all other post... :) Which I think better for OP.

