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Draw bar chart with normal probability curve


Hi all experts,
I have an excel sheet which contains two columns: serial number and score.
there are total 1140 rows.
This score is a number which is same or different in all rows. i.e. There can be multiple rows which contains same score.
Now I want to draw a bar chart which contains frequency on Y axis and range in X axis.
i.e. if lowest value from all 1140 row is 34 and highest value is 195 then
the range to be displayed on x axis is 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 ....... 180,190,200.
And total respondents whose score is between 30 to 40 is say 5 then a bar with value 5 is to be displayed between 30-40 and so on.

Then I want normal distribution curve on bar chart to check whether the data fits under curve or not.

My data file is attached here for reference.

Anyone can help please.
Note: This is very easy in SPSS software. I tried it also. But the problem is, in SPSS it is showing bar for each value. i.e. if there are 2 respondent with score 34 then it shows bar with value 2.
if there are 7 respondent with score 37 then it shows bar with value 7.
I want bar with value in a range.


  • test.xlsx
    24.2 KB · Views: 6
Have a look at the attached file:

ps: The minimum of your data is 84 not 34


  • test.xlsx
    31.1 KB · Views: 23
Thanks Hui sir.
But how to interpret this chart?
Whether data is normally distributed in this chart?
The Column Chart shows the frequency for each Bucket of data
ie: Column 97.5 which is for the data in 95-99.99 has a frequency (Count) of about 45
ie: 45 of the 1140 samples are in that range

The line chart is a Normal Distribution based on the same data, Ie: mean of 108.37 and SD of 7.38
The distribution of the line chart is on the Right Axis and is a part of 1

You can see that your data is fairly closely aligned with the shape of a Normal Distribution based on tha sample stats and so could be modeled using a Normal Distribution
Thanks sir.
Now I created copy of test.xls as test2.xls. And I pasteed another data set of 1140 rows in column B.
Because I want to generate another such normal distribution curve for another set of data.
But it gives #NAME? error in Normal distribution calculation column.
Please help.
I am attaching test2 here.


  • test2.xlsx
    29.4 KB · Views: 9
H2: can be
try both then copy down
The Norm.Dist() function is only available in 2007+ or maybe 2010+
Is it possible to have different colors in my bar chart with normal distribution curve?
I tried but "vary colors by point" option is not shown in fill option of format data series option of graph in excel 2007.
This option is available in normal bar chart to have different colors for different bars.