Hi all experts,
I have an excel sheet which contains two columns: serial number and score.
there are total 1140 rows.
This score is a number which is same or different in all rows. i.e. There can be multiple rows which contains same score.
Now I want to draw a bar chart which contains frequency on Y axis and range in X axis.
i.e. if lowest value from all 1140 row is 34 and highest value is 195 then
the range to be displayed on x axis is 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 ....... 180,190,200.
And total respondents whose score is between 30 to 40 is say 5 then a bar with value 5 is to be displayed between 30-40 and so on.
Then I want normal distribution curve on bar chart to check whether the data fits under curve or not.
My data file is attached here for reference.
Anyone can help please.
Note: This is very easy in SPSS software. I tried it also. But the problem is, in SPSS it is showing bar for each value. i.e. if there are 2 respondent with score 34 then it shows bar with value 2.
if there are 7 respondent with score 37 then it shows bar with value 7.
I want bar with value in a range.
I have an excel sheet which contains two columns: serial number and score.
there are total 1140 rows.
This score is a number which is same or different in all rows. i.e. There can be multiple rows which contains same score.
Now I want to draw a bar chart which contains frequency on Y axis and range in X axis.
i.e. if lowest value from all 1140 row is 34 and highest value is 195 then
the range to be displayed on x axis is 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 ....... 180,190,200.
And total respondents whose score is between 30 to 40 is say 5 then a bar with value 5 is to be displayed between 30-40 and so on.
Then I want normal distribution curve on bar chart to check whether the data fits under curve or not.
My data file is attached here for reference.
Anyone can help please.
Note: This is very easy in SPSS software. I tried it also. But the problem is, in SPSS it is showing bar for each value. i.e. if there are 2 respondent with score 34 then it shows bar with value 2.
if there are 7 respondent with score 37 then it shows bar with value 7.
I want bar with value in a range.