I have to prepare a report on the tasks that were worked on between 2 dates.
The data that I have is a set of tasks alongwith their start and end dates e.g.
Task Start date End date
Task1 15-Jan-2010 28-Jan-2010
Task2 20-Jan-2010 24-Jan-2010
The report that needs to be generated is as follows:
Given 2 dates, give the tasks that were worked on between those dates e.g. if the dates are 25-Jan-10 and 29-Jan-10, the report should only contain Task 1. But if the dates are 21-Jan-10 to 23-Jan-2010, the report should contain Task 1 and Task 2.
Could anyone please help me with this problem?
Greatly appreciate any help.
Thanks and Regards
I have to prepare a report on the tasks that were worked on between 2 dates.
The data that I have is a set of tasks alongwith their start and end dates e.g.
Task Start date End date
Task1 15-Jan-2010 28-Jan-2010
Task2 20-Jan-2010 24-Jan-2010
The report that needs to be generated is as follows:
Given 2 dates, give the tasks that were worked on between those dates e.g. if the dates are 25-Jan-10 and 29-Jan-10, the report should only contain Task 1. But if the dates are 21-Jan-10 to 23-Jan-2010, the report should contain Task 1 and Task 2.
Could anyone please help me with this problem?
Greatly appreciate any help.
Thanks and Regards