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  1. A

    Index / Match headache

    I have a need for a user to select a group and a day (see attached sheet) and for the formula return the groups of letters on the right. For example select Group 1 & Day 2 would return TEAIM AAETN INATE EAINI EITNI MIETA etc When I have a single criteria I would use a lookup (hlookup in this...
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    Dabbling with dynamic charts

    Thanks Luke, I was just working on a sample data book to make things a bit easier to understand and came about a solution from a colleague. he suggested a logical test to check the date and return a n/a if that date had not passed. Attached (hopefully) is our attempt. The cell references have...
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    Dabbling with dynamic charts

    I have a small problem with some data and a chart for project management data. It goes a bit like this. I have 2 sets of data. Planned spends (based on people and hours) and actual spends (again people and hours). The planned is for a full year and the actual is updated weekly based on...
  4. A

    Extract data from text downloaded from Web

    Cheers guy's. Thanks for the help, much appreciated Alex
  5. A

    Extract data from text downloaded from Web

    No problem, I think I may have stated on the right way. this is the rough idea so far. A1:A13 used for web query to get data and paste in into column. Refreshed daily Text to column done manually - could be automated with a macro - to extract data from text and place into B1, C1, D1 etc...
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    Extract data from text downloaded from Web

    I've a question that is out of my league. I would like to extract the data from a text file that is updated daily. Then append the data to a column (or row) to build up a data set over time. The information is held here (http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/wwv.txt) and in the format below...
  7. A

    Summary of actions

    I'm busy 'fiddling' with it. Glad its a lot easier in 2007!
  8. A

    Summary of actions

    Thats brilliant Narayan. Thank you for your help. I'll have to check it out on a machine with 2007 on it the one I'm on today only has 2003 and the formula falls over as is. I'll be needing this in the future as well Thanks again Alex
  9. A

    Summary of actions

    Narayan, Thanks for you help, its always hard to try and explain these things so I really appreciate this 1. The output is what I'm after. 2. A through E have other data which isn't relevant to summary. As an explanantion it is a scoring mechanism to see if a project is ready to be...
  10. A

    Summary of actions

    Yep No problem
  11. A

    Summary of actions

    Hopefully this should help narayan. http://db.tt/WbWJ5mqb There are quite a few questions that are asked, some will have answers and some will be blank. Hope it makes sense Alex
  12. A

    Summary of actions

    I'm using excel 2003 and am building up a 'Readiness check list'. Part of the structure has a column for 'Actions', one for 'Person Responsible' and one for 'Due date'. I would like to summarise the actions (along with other information) on a summary worksheet. Can I summarise this information...
  13. A

    Share your favorite Excel Sites

    Something for those who like to use stock market information. The SMF Add in http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/smf_addin/
  14. A

    Stock Screening

    So here's version 1 (http://cid-d92f4fd067efe995.office.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public) I've put a very short instruction sheet on one worksheet Any comments?
  15. A

    Stock Screening

    Thanks again for the advice. The sheet that I am building is starting to take shape. I'm using the SMF add-in to get data from a couple of different sources (MSN and Yahoo) to build up the screener. Itcertainly isn't pretty and probably not very efficient. Once its been built I would really...
  16. A

    Stock Screening

    Thanks for the help. The problem I'm facing is a little different. I want to pick stocks based on criteria, for instance Must be traded on the London Stock Exchange, have a Cap between £20m and £100m, P/E between 5 and 20 etc etc. The way i do this by hand is to use a web based screener that...
  17. A

    Stock Screening

    I'm starting to play about with some more interesting aspects of Exceland came across the idea of building a stock screener for the UK stock market in excel. I have a set of criteria Cap,P/E,PEG,EPS etc that I use to pick shares from and currently do it from a variety of on line screeners such...
  18. A

    World cup predictor

    I only need to beat the smug ones in the office. I just wanted to prove that you are just as likely to get it right from the off by making a simple model
  19. A

    World cup predictor

    I'm not a football fan but I do like mucking about with stats. Our company has a competition based on the world cup, predict the outcome of matches winner etc and you win the pot basically. I have submitted a 'random' answer based on usign =randbetween(0,4) for goals as a guess that its not...
  20. A

    Visualising beacon reception data

    Over the last few years I have collected data from a radio reciever that listens to a series of beacons round the world. There is a lot of data (And I mean a lot). Below is an example of the data presentation in a txt file showing one cycle. The data to focus on is the time,MHz, call and...
  21. A

    Calculate % change against a range of cells [SOLVED]

    Fantastic! worked a treat thank you Alex
  22. A

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello, I neither an IT professional or a luddite. Over the years I've gradually relied more and more on excel and found out that i use less and less of its capabilities. Mainly through ignorance. I've dabbled with writing my own macros and on occasion some VBA (but not much) and have found...
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    Inspiration needed to transform a tired spreadsheet

    I know the gadgets you're talking about. I'm a bit of a heart rate monitor fan, my latest one is a suunto that has a small log on it Date Distance Time Calories Max heart rate average heart rate Time below zone 1 (zones are range of HR % which give an indication of how hard you're...
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    Calculate % change against a range of cells [SOLVED]

    Like busses these questions. I had a look in the tutorials but am a little stuck. I need to do a calulation that calculates the % mass loss of a material over time. The sheet looks something like this. Cell A1 - Start mass Cell B1 - Mass after 1 hour Cell C1 - mass after 2 hours etc etc...
  25. A

    Inspiration needed to transform a tired spreadsheet

    apologies, my inability. thanks for looking anyway