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Summary of actions


New Member
I'm using excel 2003 and am building up a 'Readiness check list'. Part of the structure has a column for 'Actions', one for 'Person Responsible' and one for 'Due date'. I would like to summarise the actions (along with other information) on a summary worksheet. Can I summarise this information easily on the sumamry sheet?

Some of the columns will be empty so copying cells across won't do it. Also the number of cells will be dynamic as the project moves closer to the deployment stage so the number of actions will reduce.

This problem is a bit out of my league so any help would be appreciated.


Hi Alex ,

Can you detail as to how you wish to summarise ? Do you want to summarise by "Person Responsible" or by "Due Date" ?

Can you upload a skeleton workbook , which has all the headers in place ? Data is preferable , but not necessary.

Hopefully this should help narayan.


There are quite a few questions that are asked, some will have answers and some will be blank. Hope it makes sense

Hi Alex ,

Can you download from Skydrive ? If yes , then I'll upload your worksheet back to Skydrive , and with reference to that worksheet , we can discuss a few doubts that I have.

Hi Alex ,

Can you open the following link , and respond to my questions ?


I have just put in some random data on both tabs - "Readiness Checklist" and "Summary Sheet".

1. Is the output on the "Summary Sheet" tab what you require ?

2. Do columns A through E on the "Readiness Checklist" tab have any relevance ?

3. Will there be duplicates in the "Actions" column ( column F ) and / or the "Who" column ( column G ) in the "Readiness" tab ?

4. Any other points you would like to point out ?


Thanks for you help, its always hard to try and explain these things so I really appreciate this

1. The output is what I'm after.

2. A through E have other data which isn't relevant to summary. As an explanantion it is a scoring mechanism to see if a project is ready to be mobilised to a client site. The scores get translated onto the summary sheet as a simple red, amber, green dashboard.

3. No duplicate actions. Duplicate names in 'Who'

In my (simple) head If I was doing this the long way, I would copy all the contents of the actions, Who & Date across to the summary sheet. Sort them how I wanted i.e. by date to 'hide' the blanks. I guess this could be done as a macro but it seems a bit crude and I'm sure it could be done better.
Hi Alex ,

Can you check out the workbook here ?


The formula is directly copied from :


Thats brilliant Narayan. Thank you for your help. I'll have to check it out on a machine with 2007 on it the one I'm on today only has 2003 and the formula falls over as is.

I'll be needing this in the future as well

Thanks again
