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Search results

  1. Luke M

    power pivot - pivot tables not 'relating' two linked tables properly

    You will have better luck starting a new, clean thread rather than appending, aka hijacking, someone else's thread.
  2. Luke M

    Date Formula Question_Follow-up for dates falling on same weekly cut-off

    As this forum is open internationally, it is unfair to assume pronunciation or spelling of user names. OP's user name is perfectly valid in some regions of the world.
  3. Luke M

    Concatenate / Textjoin based on certain criteria

    You'll have better luck getting an answer starting your own thread vs replying to others/old threads
  4. Luke M

    Create new xlsx file

    @KreshBell Per forum rules, please remember to include your links to cross posts: https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/create-new-workbook-from-exist.1265404/ https://www.excelforum.com/excel-pr...ate-new-xlsx-file-with-macro.html#post5986877
  5. Luke M

    Allow Only One Checkbox True

    Conversation continued in separate thread: https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/continuation-allow-only-one-checkbox-true.57805/#post-309631
  6. Luke M

    Automatically deduct strikethrough from total

    Hi Promyese43. I'd recommend starting your own thread with the question, rather than jumping on a thread that is more than a year old.
  7. Luke M

    Electoral Map

    REMINDER: Like many forums, we have a rule that you include links to cross-post threads. We don't mind cross-posting, but please let us know about other threads so we know if other solutions have been tried/reached already.
  8. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    Nothing new to report. I share your frustration in a lack of timely response.
  9. Luke M

    APA vs. MLA: Which Citation Style Best Fits Your Writing Needs?

    Hello, While the lounge is meant to be less formal questions, we do ask that the questions relate somewhat to the topic of Excel.
  10. Luke M


    You will need to create a unique macro for each button on the main sheet that unhides the destination sheet and then navigates to it. For the Workbook_Open event and all the 'Return to Menu' boxes, you can use a macro like Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim ws As Worksheet 'Prevent...
  11. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    Nothing on my end. :(
  12. Luke M

    Need suggestions on what to use for a real time tracker which refreshes the data daily or hourly

    Please remember that while cross-posting is allowed, you need to include the links to your other post(s). https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/need-suggestions-on-what-to-use-for-a-real-time-tracker-which-auto-refreshes-the-data-every-hour.1256648/
  13. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    Thanks for trying Hui. Is there a good/better way to contact Chandoo? It seems like we need more of a super-admin presence in the forums. I've not been successful in my attempts to reach out to him.
  14. Luke M

    Construction Budget distribution using GAMMADIST Function

    Cross-Posting. Generally, it is considered poor practice to cross post. That is to post the same question on several forums in the hope of getting a response quicker. If you do cross-post, please put that in your post. Also if you have cross-posted and get an Solution elsewhere, have the...
  15. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    @Hui Any luck on finding the setting to display this information and let it be seen by others?
  16. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    Thanks Hui. I see under Preferences where we can enable something, but like the others I don't see that info being displayed anywhere.
  17. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    Status update: Sadly, I've not been able to get a hold of Chandoo or anyone who can actually implement the change to the forums. Continuing to try and reach out. Maybe they're on travel? :(
  18. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    Thanks for the info, this helps!
  19. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    Sorry pecoflyer, but I have been researching and trying to see if that's an option with our current platform. I can see and we've discussed porting to a different forum platform, but so far that is being considered a larger undertaking than we want to do for just a "quality of life" improvement...
  20. Luke M

    Adding XL version

    Hello everyone. Sorry for not seeing this until today; long weekend for me. I agree that conveying what version of Excel someone is using is a key piece of information. With the current forum tools available, there's certainly nothing stopping us from including that info in a signature. You...
  21. Luke M

    Balance Amount Continue

    Formula in H6 should be =H5+G6 and then copy that down.
  22. Luke M

    Nesting formula help!

    Rather than trying to understand your method, what's the goal? To check if value in col A is the first letter of col B? =AND(A2<>"",LEFT(B2)=A2)
  23. Luke M

    Number formatting does not seem to work

    After review, this question is a follow-up to previous; not a duplicate. Thread re-opened.
  24. Luke M

    Calculation speed of formula

    Appears to be duplicate/similar to: Improve spreadsheet design | Chandoo.org Excel Forums - Become Awesome in Excel