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Electoral Map

Cross Posting w/o links
I would like to modify my "States that I have Visited" to a presidential electoral map. I would like to be able to change the color of the states from red to blue or blue to red with the states total numbers. Then I would like to show the totals of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. If anyone has some extra time to modify my project I would appreciate it. I don't know if I could do this but I can't on my own. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you Joe from Michigan.


  • Heat Map (V3).xlsm
    296.8 KB · Views: 12
REMINDER: Like many forums, we have a rule that you include links to cross-post threads. We don't mind cross-posting, but please let us know about other threads so we know if other solutions have been tried/reached already.
Why re-create the wheel ? Here is what you are seeking.


  • Electoral Map 2016.xlsm
    75.4 KB · Views: 2