Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
On Error Resume Next
Dim wsMain As Worksheet
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ptMain As PivotTable
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pfMain As PivotField
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim bMI As Boolean
On Error Resume...
Naraya probably the problem could also be related to the fact that i have a macro that allow to update all pivot tables within the sheet in a coordinated way. the code is here
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
On Error Resume Next
Dim wsMain As...
For the code, i do not have to also declare what is the event that should trigger the code? (i mean, let excel understand that the option must be activated after pivot refresh?)
Yes Narayan. I have excel 2007 too but the file i sent you is simplified. consider that the pivot chart does not retain the formatting each time. how i can teach to excel via macro to get the "invert if negative "option checked after each time pivot table is refreshed??
Sure,here i have attached the file. As you can see in the chart both bars at left and right are green. As solution, i choose the data series option, then do select "invert if negative" option, with four steps and two colour (the settings already in place with the gradient option are founded on...
No, it does not concern preserve formatting options. It is checked. It is a problem with the lose of formatting. specifically: I have "invert if negative" option checked in a pivot chart, but as soon as i choose another filter value the option get unchecked automatically.. I think need a macro...
Dear All
Another issue with pivot table
a pivot chart lost its data series formatting settings after i refresh the linked pivot table or i choose a different value in the filter value area. Looking in the forums it looks like it is a well know issue fromm Microsoft. However, someone here has...
Hi Bob
data bars in excel 2010 do not make distinction between positive and negative data values. While in 2013 and 2012 version the bar go from left to right or right to left depending if the values is a positive or negative one, becoming also red if the values in sengative or green if...
Hi at all my dear friends
Another wounderfull challange to share with you
I have a range of both positive and negative values
I would get as result that, if values is negative, then the colour scale should be different gradient of red, with intensinty increasing at bigger negative values...
Correct. But with slicers you are able to get that result reducing the filter2 list of available values under certain filter1 values. Then, mining the web till know any solution found. But,as in my case, if we say filter2 has hundred of values available, that should be reduced to few one in...
It is nto altering. I think that should be normal the fact that, if under a filter1 value, for instace X, are available only two values for the filter2, say B and C, then the dropdown list of filter2 should only display B and C, and not also, say D (hypothesis that filter2 available values are...
Good day dear. Unluckly not, excel is version 2007. However the issue is easy. I want as result that, if i choose one value within the first filter in the "report filter" area, then, as result, if i choose to utilize a second filter in the report filter area(for filter i mean "data field"...
Hi at all guys
Issue: I have a pivot table with multiple filter in the Report filter Area. If I choose a value for the first filter in that are, i was expecting that the available choice list of the second filter would have been restricted to the values available under the first filter choice...
Solved- The issue is that, if you have the "preserve cell formatting" option checked, but add some new column to the pivot table, thae in some way the new column get in contrast with the formatting rules applied to the old columns, ant therefore turn blacks. As a consequence if you add a new...
Hi guys. As mentioned in the title i get many pivot table to get their headers became black after i choose different filter values. I have the option "autofit column width on update" unchecked and "preserve cell formatting on update" checked. So what could be the issue? Till no no found any...
It just happen with one excel file. hower it looks like i have solved. The data source sheet was filtered. Removing the filter, then adding the new column to the data source, and then refreshing the pivot, works, obtaining as result that the new column has been taken into consideration in the...
Pivot Table Memory Issue - Excel crashes
Excel crashes when a refresh is performed just after a adding new column to the initial data source.
Source data for the pivot table is on another worksheet within the same
workbook. Any tips or suggestion?
best at all
Solved by myself. Sorry for the word "emergency". In any case, as you said, if it is an emergency for me that not imply that should be the same for a reader, or he must be forced to consider the message as it. No one here is an exploiter of friends of the forum. Therefore the aggressive tone...
Hi at all guys
Ermgency. I need to understand rapidly if it is possible at all to filter error values in a pivot table; hiding row values that contain errors values in some data column
please help
Problem found. the methodology was good. But if you choose the last option "employ a formula to determine cells to format", and then you employ, for instance, this condition ">0", then i do not why it takes the condition like text, and as consequence do not utilize it as formulas, but as text...