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Pivot Table Header became black after refresh


Hi guys. As mentioned in the title i get many pivot table to get their headers became black after i choose different filter values. I have the option "autofit column width on update" unchecked and "preserve cell formatting on update" checked. So what could be the issue? Till no no found any solution via web.

As ever my gratitude to the friend that will advice

Solved- The issue is that, if you have the "preserve cell formatting" option checked, but add some new column to the pivot table, thae in some way the new column get in contrast with the formatting rules applied to the old columns, ant therefore turn blacks. As a consequence if you add a new column to the tabel you have to

1. uncheck the "preserve formatting" option
2. apply again the formatting rules to headers
3. then re-check the formatting option.

Hope to be useful to others.
