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excel 2007-filter drop down filter list based on other filter choices


Hi at all guys
Issue: I have a pivot table with multiple filter in the Report filter Area. If I choose a value for the first filter in that are, i was expecting that the available choice list of the second filter would have been restricted to the values available under the first filter choice; on the contrary despite the choice the second filter drop down shows all the values available for that filter.

There is any way to get that, when first filter is utilized choosing just one o more values then the second filter drop down list display only the available values under that choice?

hope to have well explained the issue
Thanks a lot guys
Good day Davide

Not really understood what you mean but can you use slicers to filter?
Good day dear. Unluckly not, excel is version 2007. However the issue is easy. I want as result that, if i choose one value within the first filter in the "report filter" area, then, as result, if i choose to utilize a second filter in the report filter area(for filter i mean "data field" utilized as filter) the the drop down list should only display the values of the second filter that are available within the first filter "choice2, and not the full list of available values.

For instance, if filter one contain as values A and B, and in combination with A i have only D and C as values under the second filter and E and F in correspondance of B, then if i choose under filter one A i should get as available choice under filter two list D and C as values.
Unless there is some secret way, I don't think we can alter the way how Pivot filters work.
It is nto altering. I think that should be normal the fact that, if under a filter1 value, for instace X, are available only two values for the filter2, say B and C, then the dropdown list of filter2 should only display B and C, and not also, say D (hypothesis that filter2 available values are B, C and D). At least i rember it worked in this way in excel 2010.
I have Excel 2010 and it does NOT work like that. It does works like that in a normal table, though.
Correct. But with slicers you are able to get that result reducing the filter2 list of available values under certain filter1 values. Then, mining the web till know any solution found. But,as in my case, if we say filter2 has hundred of values available, that should be reduced to few one in combination with filter1, then become difficult for the user to employ the "report filter" dropdown menu correctly...the list is huge and has to do scrollw down several way...