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Search results

  1. B

    Auto populate additional dates based on specific date and criteria

    Hi all, i am currently trying to provide my client with a tracking sheet (check list) of items to provide me based on specific timeframes, but i needed for the dates to auto-populate based on an initial date provided ("GO Live Date" in my example). GO Live date = 05/14/2014 Data required 5...
  2. B

    Comparison of set of data

    the name is AdrianBall ... the system removed the space once i submitted the question
  3. B

    Comparison of set of data

    Thank you Faseeh, Would love to upload sample file but i'm not sure how to :) :) i'm still pretty new at this :). Please see real sample below format 1: column A has name (repeated) / column B has one value per line AdrianBall Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - Basic AdrianBall...
  4. B

    Comparison of set of data

    thanks, i think that i did not properly formulate my request, the big issue is not so much comparing data, but rather comparing data that is in 2 different format ... so i'm guessing i will need to convert one of the form to match the other one, but was wondering which form would be easiest to...
  5. B

    Comparison of set of data

    Hi guys, I have a weird question :) i have two set of data that i need to compare to make sure i have the same values in both data set, but i'm not sure how to go about it... i feel so lost and overwhelmed first set looks like this: Column A Column B Danny Student Danny...
  6. B

    Saving excel file with blank column as CSV

    Hey Guys, I have a big issue, i have an excel file where column A & Column B are blank, but i do have data in columns C,D,E,... i have noticed that when i save my excel file into a CSV file, the blank columns are removed from my new CSV file, and column C & D are now the new columns A & B...
  7. B

    Data Conversion from Excel 2010 to Excel 2003

    thank you so much guys, i have found out that it can be a bug (hopefully it will get fixed)... And Yes, i tried your solutions as well.. thanks again!!!! :)
  8. B

    Repeat insertion of comma or other characters/ fast concatenation

    Thank you so much Luke!!!!! that is exactly what i needed :) :) !!!!
  9. B

    Data Conversion from Excel 2010 to Excel 2003

    Hi SirJB7, On Sheet1 i have a data validation on ColumnC (Job Category), with the expression being > Source: ='Sheet2'!$A$1:$A$52 ... ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC NameofEmployee JobTitle Job Category The file is being saved as an xlsx, but my Client apparently uses xls...
  10. B

    Data Conversion from Excel 2010 to Excel 2003

    Hey guys, I created a worksheet in excel2010 with data validation, but my clients have an earlier version of excel, probably 2003... and the data validation (drop down list obtain through the "selecting" of array from another sheet on the same worksheet) completly disappears... what can i do...
  11. B

    Repeat insertion of comma or other characters/ fast concatenation

    Hey guys, Quick question, i have a bunch of headers in different columns that i need to concatenate and insert a comma between each header value. Is there a fast way to do it? i have hundreds of headers/rows so doing it manually will take forever... please see below column A column B...
  12. B

    formula to remove formatting symbols from Word doc (text) pasted into excel

    thank you guys!!!!!! i can now sleep in peace :):) !!! i spent the whole freaking day trying to figure out what to do!!!! :)
  13. B

    formula to remove formatting symbols from Word doc (text) pasted into excel

    I have information I download into an excel file, but it contains formatting symbols from word. In order to see the formatting symbols you have to copy the text into word and click on the show/hide formatting button to see them and delete them. Is there a formula for excel or a short key that...
  14. B

    Importing Text string from Word doc. to Excel/ Creating link

    Thank you so much guys!!!!! you have saved me !!!! :)
  15. B

    Importing Text string from Word doc. to Excel/ Creating link

    Hi Guys, i have a weird question.i have a bunch of Job titles in an excel sheet,but the descriptions of those titles that i need to add to my sheet (in columnB for example)are all written in seperated word documents saved on my computer. like for the below example, i'll have Accountant.doc...
  16. B

    Data lookup / transpose for duplicate

    thank you so much Narayan!!!!!!!!!
  17. B

    Data lookup / transpose for duplicate

    Please help!!! i have 2 columns, one with names & the other with location codes, but i noticed that the one with names has duplicate names , since one name can have multiple locations... I am trying to figure out a excel formula that will allow me to have all locations for one person on the same...